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                                                                          was limited to work with their country offices
                                                                          in Kyrgyzstan.

                                                                          Having arrived in Geneva – the European heart
                                                                          of multilateral diplomacy – I got an opportunity
                                                                          to  head  the  work  of  the  Kyrgyz  Mission  to
                                                                          the  headquarters  of  leading  United  Nations
                                                                          organizations.  Now,  I  may  say  that  this  has
                 UN Photo / Jean Marc Ferré                               responsibility  because  you  are  representing
                                                                          been a huge experience at the epicenter of busy
                                                                          international diplomatic life. This is also a giant

                                                                          your country in Geneva and what you do has
                                                                          direct effect on the country in general and on
                                                                          the  lives  of  all  people  in  Kyrgyzstan.  This  is
                                                                          because  my  country  has  extensive  relations
                                                                          with all international organizations in Geneva
                                                                          in  almost  all  spheres  of  life.  Upon  arrival  in
                  Mr. Daniar Mukashev                                     Geneva,  I  realized  that  Kyrgyzstan  was  not

                  Ambassador Extraordinary and                            well represented in diplomatic (ambassadorial)
                                                                          positions  within  international  organizations.
                  Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative               So,  I  tried  my  best  to  rectify  this.  In  2017,  I
                                                                          was elected to the position of Vice-Chair of the
                  of the Kyrgyz Republic to the United                    ECE’s Steering Committee on Trade Capacity
                  Nations Office and other international                  and Standards. From 2018 to 2019, I had the
                                                                          privilege to chair the Coordination Committee
                  organizations in Geneva                                 of the World Intellectual Property Organization.
                                                                          My goal was to represent my country and make
                                                                          it  known  as  widely  as  possible,  beyond  the
                                   Please, tell us about yourself. What is your role  “standard”  job  of  Permanent  Representative
                                   as Permanent Representative of your country  of Kyrgyzstan to the United Nations Office in
                                   to the United Nations Office at Geneva and to  Geneva. So, for me cooperation with the ECE
                                   the United Nations Economic Commission for  was not just from outside. I had a chance to be
                                   Europe (the ECE)?                      involved in its work from inside. The ECE is a
                                   I  joined  the  Kyrgyzstan  Ministry  of  Foreign  very efficient and result-oriented organization
                                   Affairs in 1997. In the 23 years of my diplomatic  that does a lot for my country in every sphere
                                   career  I  was  mostly  engaged  in  bilateral  of its activity.
                                   diplomacy  occupying  different  positions
                                   in  the  Foreign  Ministry  and  being  posted  Kyrgyzstan  attaches  great  importance  to
                                   twice abroad – to Washington, D.C., and to  cooperation  with  the  ECE.  The  economic
                                   Brussels. Only in 2013 did I get a job related  and  social  dimensions  have  always  been  at
                                   to work with international organizations – as  the forefront of our country’s policy agenda.
                                   head of the International Organizations and  As  one  of  the  56  members  of  the  ECE,  we
                                   Security Department of the Foreign Ministry  fully  share  the  main  goals  and  objectives  of
                                   of Kyrgyzstan. It was not an easy task to shift   this  organization  aimed  at  promoting  pan-
                                   from  bilateral  to  multilateral  diplomacy,  European  economic  integration;  facilitating
                                   but  from  the  very  beginning  I  liked  and  greater economic integration and cooperation
                                   enjoyed it as it appeared to be more alive and  among its member countries; and promoting
                                   intense,  if  I  can  put  it  this  way.  So,  when  I  sustainable  development  and  economic
                                   was appointed to the high diplomatic post of  prosperity.
                                   Permanent Representative in 2016, I already
                                   had experience in dealing directly with United  Kyrgyzstan  is  a  country  with  an  economy
                                   Nations organizations, even if that experience  in transition and, as a recipient of technical

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