Page 32 - DIVA_1_2021
P. 32
to accelerate the realization of the SDGs
Azerbaijan actively participates in the work of
the UNECE and in the United Nations Special
Programme for the Economies of Central Asia
(SPECA). The UNECE will be coordinating
the support for SPECA in 2021, working with
the United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
and the United Nations Resident Coordinators
in the SPECA countries. How do you see the
results in eradicating extreme poverty and role of the SPECA in providing a platform
unemployment, ensuring primary health care, to achieve sustainable development through
and promoting gender equality. cross-border cooperation, especially in the
This was achieved within a relatively short time of COVID-19 pandemic?
time and has transformed Azerbaijan Owing to its geographic location and its
from a transition economy into an upper- historic roots in both Europe and the Orient,
middle-income country with a high human after regaining its independence in 1992,
development index. This progress has Azerbaijan became a member of both UNECE
made Azerbaijan an active and important and UNESCAP and continues its active and
international and regional player and an positive engagement with both United Nations
emerging humanitarian and development regional commissions.
donor. At present, Azerbaijan actively
cooperates with the United Nations institutions At the same time, we also enjoy strong bilateral
in exporting its knowledge and experience to relations with all SPECA participating
other countries within the framework of South- countries, which is a defining factor for
South Cooperation. Azerbaijan has so far successful cooperation within multilateral
provided over US$ 1.5 billion in humanitarian platforms as well. Together our countries
and overseas development assistance to more continue to develop and implement projects of
than 40 developing countries worldwide. Since regional and global importance. These cover
the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, such areas as energy, transport, Information
Azerbaijan has joined the global efforts to and communication technology (ICT) and
address its devastating effects. We have made other areas of economic cooperation and
two voluntary contributions to the World regional integration.
Health Organization in the amount of US$ 10 Since its establishment, the SPECA has always
million. At the same time, to date Azerbaijan been an important platform for my country as
has provided humanitarian and financial it brings together our partners from the region
assistance to more than 30 countries to cope with the aim to address the existing challenges
with the pandemic. through aligned cooperation. In accordance
with its mandate, the SPECA has contributed to
Currently, Azerbaijan is working with the the strengthening of subregional cooperation
United Nations in aligning its national among the participating countries and
sustainable development strategy with the continues to assist in the challenging process
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of their integration into the world economy.
aimed at developing a more sustainable, This is achieved primarily through growing
inclusive and diversified economy. Azerbaijan cooperation in specific areas under the various
was one of the first countries to undertake thematic working groups functioning within
a mission under MAPS (Mainstreaming, the SPECA framework.
Acceleration and Policy Support for the 2030 The role of United Nations Resident
Agenda), which has provided concrete policy Coordinators operating in many United Nations
and programming steps that can be taken Member States continues to increase as we
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h