Page 37 - DIVA_1_2021
P. 37

UN Photo / Jean Marc Ferré

                   Interview with his Excellency
                   Mr. Jamshed Khamidov                                   of  the  country’s  territory  is  covered  by
                                                                          mountains, which makes Tajikistan attractive
                   Ambassador and Permanent Representative                for tourists and adventure seekers. The natural
                                                                          resources  of  Tajikistan  are  alpine  lakes  with
                   of Tajikistan to the United Nations                    crystal clear water, the mountain rivers of the
                                                                          Fan Mountains, the highlands of Badakhshan,
                                                                          the thermal springs Obigarm and the peaks of
                                   Your Excellency, could you tell us a little about  the Pamirs, which enthusiastic climbers from
                                   yourself and your background?          all over the world strive to climb.
                                   I graduated from Tajik State University, and my  It is worth coming to Tajikistan for treatment.
                                   academic background is in Oriental Studies.  Local health resorts offer a full range of wellness
                                   I  joined  the  Ministry  of  Foreign  Affairs  of  services: treatments in the water of hot thermal
                                   Tajikistan  in  1995.  I  worked  in  different  springs and mineral springs, walks in the fresh
                                   posts in the Ministry before being posted to  air in picturesque forests, and the healing air of
                                   the  embassies  of  Tajikistan  in  Vienna  and  the mountain plains.
                                   Brussels.                              The rich history of our country has left many
                                                                          monuments of ancient civilizations, which to
                                   As Tajikistan is little known in this part of the  this day remind us of the diversity of cultures
                                   world, could you tell us something about your  that occupied the territory of our country. One
                                   country, about its culture and language and  of these architectural monuments is the ancient
                                   about its part of the world?           settlement of Sarazm, the 5,500th anniversary
                                   The  Republic  of  Tajikistan  is  one  of  the  five  of which we celebrated this year. The ancient
                                   countries of Central Asia through which the  settlement  of  Sarazm  is  geographically  the
                                   Great  Silk  Road  passed,  bringing  Asia  and  northernmost cultural and agricultural center
                                   Europe closer together. Our state is the only  of the Central Asian region, and the civilization
                                   one  in  the  region  that  considers  itself  to  be  of Sarazm is 1,500 years old.
                                   of  Persian  culture.  We  speak  Tajik,  which
                                   belongs to the group of Iranian languages, and  What are the main focuses of the foreign policy
                                   we perfectly understand each other when we  of  Tajikistan?  And  what  are  your  particular
                                   speak with Afghans or Iranians. A common  points of focus here in Geneva?
                                   history allows us to share common traditions,  The  foreign  policy  of  the  Republic  of
                                   customs,  values,  and  this  is  important  for  Tajikistan  is  an  open-door  policy,  peaceful
                                   maintaining  a  good  level  of  cooperation  and disinterested, and in its implementation,
                                   between our states.                    Tajikistan is ready to develop friendly relations
                                   Tajikistan  is  a  country  of  mountains.  93%  and  recognition  of  mutual  interests  on  the

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