Page 40 - DIVA_1_2021
P. 40
Mr. Atageldi Haljanov Therefore, for me personally, it is a great
Ambassador Extraordinary and honour to represent my country in the United
Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative Nations Office at Geneva as well as the ECE.
of Turkmenistan to the United I would prefer to speak about my country’s
Nations Office and other international role instead of my humble role within the
United Nations in Geneva and especially
organizations in Geneva the ECE. The main areas of activity of the
Permanent Mission of Turkmenistan in
Geneva stem from the “Concept of Foreign
Please tell us about yourself. What is your role Policy of Turkmenistan for 2017-2023”. This
as Permanent Representative of your country Concept defines the content and priorities of
to the United Nations Office at Geneva and international cooperation of Turkmenistan
the United Nations Economic Commission for for the nearest term. It also reflects new trends
Europe? and circumstances of global and regional
First, I would like to express my sincere development. The Permanent Mission takes
appreciation to the editors of DIVA all necessary measures in connection with
International for initiating this interview these trends and phenomena. Specifically, it
and for the opportunity to share with you presents our country’s views and approaches
our experience with the international covering the broad and multi-format
organizations, especially our collaboration cooperation with the United Nations, which
with the United Nations Economic remains a strategic vector in the international
Commission for Europe – the ECE. activities of Turkmenistan.
Working together with other member States The active participation of Turkmenistan in
and the United Nations as a whole, acting ECE activities on economic cooperation and
with the same enthusiasm and spirit that integration, energy, environment, housing
characterized the international community’s and land management, population, statistics,
ambitions almost three decades ago, when timber, trade, and transport, opens up valuable
our country gained its independence, opportunities to implement priority areas of
Turkmenistan stands ready now to play its my country’s foreign policy, enshrined in the
part in the revival of the peace-building above mentioned concept document.
architecture and the thorough implementation
of the United Nations’ core functions. During The United Nations recently celebrated its
my whole career as a diplomat, I was privileged seventy-fifth anniversary. What has been the
to work with international organizations. influence of the United Nations and, more
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