Page 44 - DIVA_1_2021
P. 44


                  and peace among people of faith and among

                  Afterwards,  H.E.  Mr.  Patrick  Simonnet,
                  Ambassador  and  Head  of  the  Delegation  of
                  the European Union to the Kingdom of Saudi
                  Arabia and the Gulf, recalled to the public the
                  reflection elaborated in the book by H.E. Mr.
                  Josep Borrell Fontelles, High Representative of
                  the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
                  Ambassador Mr. Simonnet also outlined that
                  the EU remains one of the largest contributors
                  to the UN and will continue working side by
                  side with UN diplomats, funds, agencies and
                  programmes to always push solutions through
                  dialogue  and  negotiation.  The  EU  considers
                  that the world needs to be governed by agreed
                  rules and norms such as those embodies by
                  the  UN  and  that  global  challenges  call  for
                  multilateral approaches, now more than ever.

                  In  light  of  the  Ambassador  Mr.  Patrick  short  news  about  this  achievement  in  their
                  Simonnet’s  reflection,  the  moderator  later  social  media,  namely:  EU  Delegation  to
                  outlined that the EU is fundamentally a peace  the  Gulf  Cooperation  Council,  Ministry  of
                  project built on the ashes of the Second World  Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica and United Arab
                  War. Thanks to its success, he said that EU has  Emirates, Embassy of Spain to Saudi Arabia,
                  benefited  from  what  is  probably  the  longest  UPEACE or Paz sin Fronteras.
                  period of peace and unprecedented prosperity
                  amongst the states who are now its members,  The  book  was  possible  thanks  to  the
                  to  the  point  where  war  amongst  them  has  contribution  from  the  UNESCO  Chairs  on
                  become difficult to even imagine.      peace  of  the  Abat  Oliba  CEU  University
                                                         and  Banaras  Hindu  University,  Haceppette
                  The event was closed by H.E. Dr. Mohammed  University, Caritas in Veritate Foundation, Paz
                  Bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, Secretary General of  sin Fronteras, Sovereign Order of Malta, King
                  the  Muslim  World  League,  who  underlined  Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Centre
                  the  importance  of  tolerance,  mutual  respect  for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue,
                  and  peace  among  all  different  religions  and  World  Jewish  Congress,  the  Permanent
                  cultures.  He  outlined  his  commitment  to  Delegations  of  the  United  Arab  Emirates
                  counter all kind of violent extremism and hate  and Holy See to the United Office in Geneva,
                  speech. He stressed that Mr. Mohamed Levrak,  Embassy of Spain in Saudi Arabia, Ministry of
                  Special Adviser for H.E. Al-Issa and Deputy  Foreign Affairs and Worship of Costa Rica, and
                  Representative of the Muslim World League in  Vice-presidency of the European Commission/
                  Geneva had contributed to the coordination  High Representative of the European Union
                  of the book on behalf of the WML.      for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.              •

                  The  launching  was  extensively  reported  in
                  relevant  outlets,  Press  Agencies  and  media
                  channels  within  the  Gulf  States  and  Middle
                  East region, such as Vatican News, Alkhaleej
                  Today,  Elkhabar,  Arab  News  and  WAM
                  Emirates  Press.  Other  governmental  and
                  non-governmental  agencies  prepared  some

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