Page 39 - DIVA_1_2021
P. 39
integrated water resource management further to curb the spread of the virus, including
exacerbate this situation. by temporarily suspending non-essential
Over the last two decades, Tajikistan has been businesses, but caution is urged. The citizens
actively promoting water issues on the global are asked to forgo unnecessary trips to other
agenda. At the initiative of Tajikistan and a cities and regions, and if possible, to remain
number of other countries, the United Nations at home. Also, we are actively working
General Assembly launched the International with the World Health Organization and
Year of Fresh Water (2003), the International fighting the virus according to the WHO’s
Decade of Action “Water for Life” (2005-2015), recommendations.
the International Year of Water Cooperation Unfortunately, the healthcare system
(2013), the International Decade of Action of Tajikistan was not ready to face this
“Water for Sustainable Development” (2018- unprecedented challenge. Even today we are
2028). These global events made a significant barely keeping up with this pandemic.
contribution to a deeper understanding of the The introduction of quarantine measures
importance of water, both for socio-economic resulted in closing of our borders with
growth and environmental sustainability, neighboring countries, suspending air, railway
as well as for ensuring peace, stability and and automobile connectivity. Tajikistan’s
development. We intend to continue our economy mainly depends on the import of
efforts with a view to enhancing progress and essential goods for 60% of its needs.
achieving new outcomes. The water agenda is Tajikistan is a mountainous and land-locked
of crucial importance in Tajikistan. Tajikistan country with no access to sea ports. This only
has huge water resources, accumulated worsens the complex economic situation. The
in numerous glaciers, rivers, lakes and heavy burden of external debts also has a critical
underground water systems. About 60% impact on the adoption of preventive measures
of Central Asia’s water resources take their to contain the pandemic and maintain the
sources within the country. effectiveness and efficiency of the social sphere.
Along with addressing these issues, my The Government urgently needed greater
country believes that emphasizing solidarity financial assistance to cope with the pandemic
as a priority that could help to stabilize the and fill the gaps in the state budget to ensure
situation in the healthcare sector and the the fulfillment of basic social commitments.
global economy. Fortunately, thanks to the good level of
I would like to reiterate that modern threats cooperation of Tajikistan with other countries
and challenges require immediate response of the world and international organizations,
from the international community, a response we received initial assistance from the entire
based on unity, solidarity and mutually world community. Now our country, along
beneficial multilateral cooperation. with other countries of the world, will look
for ways out of this situation.
In these Covid-19 times how has the situation It is our sincere hope that soon the situation
been in your country? worldwide will change for better.
Unfortunately, it’s obvious that the spread and
impact of the COVID-19 at the global scale Finally, do you have a message for the rest of
has expanded in an unprecedented manner the world in these troubled times?
and has been negatively influencing all spheres One of the basic principles of Tajik culture
of human life and countries. The sensitive is peacefulness, mutual respect and mutual
situation caused by this pandemic among assistance. I think that these principles are
other countries of the world has also posed recognized and respected all over the world,
many challenges for Tajikistan. The virus came as they are universal.
to Tajikistan later, the first cases were detected Despite all the difficulties and hardships that
in late April, and to date the total number of this year has brought for the entire world
infected individuals now stands at 10,455. community, we must adhere to these principles
The Government and the Ministry of Health for the further development of our civilization
are continually implementing measures and for the well-being of next generations!
I thank you! •
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h