Page 41 - DIVA_1_2021
P. 41


                   specifically,  its  Geneva-based  agencies,  on
                   the  life  of  people  in  your  country  since  its
                   Turkmenistan  joined  the  United  Nations  on
                   2  March  1992  as  a  new  independent  State.
                   Since  then,  the  United  Nations  has  been
                   supporting  Turkmenistan  to  achieve  its
                   national  priorities,  which  are  aligned  with
                   the  Sustainable  Development  Goals  (SDGs).  achieve sustainable development through cross-border cooperation,
                   The  United  Nations  Resident  Coordinator  especially at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic?
                   in  Turkmenistan  leads  the  United  Nations  The  SPECA  aims  to  enhance  sub-regional  cooperation  and
                   Country Team (UNCT) and ensures that the  facilitate integration into the global economy. Recently, the SPECA
                   United Nations agencies support the national  participating  countries  –  Azerbaijan,  Afghanistan,  Kazakhstan,
                   development priorities in five strategic areas:  Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan – gathered
                   quality data and progress monitoring; quality  virtually  under  the  chairmanship  of  Kyrgyzstan  to  attend  the
                   and  inclusive  social  services;  environmental  2020 SPECA Economic Forum “Regional Cooperation to Support
                   sustainability   and   energy   efficiency;  Socioeconomic Recovery in the Wake of COVID-19”. The event took
                   employment,   economic   diversification,  place on-line 18-19 November 2020, co-organized by the ESCAP
                   and  trade;  governance  and  rule  of  law.  The  and the ECE. Partners from various international organizations,
                   various  United  Nations  agencies  active  in  including the United Nations and its bodies, the Organization for
                   Turkmenistan coordinate their work through  Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Shanghai
                   a joint work plan.                     Cooperation  Organization  (SCO)  and  representatives  of  large
                                                          financial institutions took part in the Forum.
                   On  24  October  2020,  the  United  Nations
                   marked its seventy-fifth anniversary under the  In November 2019, Turkmenistan successfully hosted the SPECA
                   global theme “The future we want, the United  Days as the SPECA Chair country in that year, which served as
                   Nations  we  need:  reaffirming  our  collective  a clear illustration of my country’s active participation in tackling
                   commitment to multilateralism – confronting  key  regional  and  global  issues  and  establishing  new  forms  of
                   COVID-19  through  effective  multilateral  international cooperation in line with the present conditions and
                   action”.  Despite  the  COVID-19  pandemic,  global trends.
                   Turkmenistan joined in the celebrations of this
                   important anniversary of the United Nations,  Today, my country is actively involved in a number of programs,
                   which coincided with Turkmenistan’s twenty-  launched in different spheres by the international community to
                   fifth anniversary of its permanent neutrality.  successfully implement the Sustainable Development Goals.

                   The United Nations agencies working in and  Ensuring  reliable  transport  connections  and  building  effective
                   with  Turkmenistan  have  come  together  for  transit corridors, including in the SPECA region, are one of the
                   joint efforts to respond to the global pandemic,  prospective  areas  of  common  interest  and  cooperation  for  the
                   mitigate  its  consequences,  and  build  back  SPECA participating countries.
                   better for the people of Turkmenistan.
                                                          As noted above, the SPECA participating countries are interested
                   Turkmenistan actively participates in the work  in maintaining and developing trade and economic relations in the
                   of the ECE and in the United Nations Special  region, and with their main trade partners in the post-pandemic
                   Programme for the Economies of Central Asia  period. Special emphasis is placed on the need to simplify cross-
                   (SPECA). It chaired the programme in 2019.  border  trade  and  to  adopt  effective  measures  aimed  at  ensuring
                   The ECE will be coordinating the support for  convenient and safe transit traffic and, consequently, sustainable
                   the SPECA in 2021, working with the United  value chains.
                   Nations Economic and Social Commission for
                   Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the United  Building  the  digital  economy  plays  an  important  role  in
                   Nations  Resident  Coordinators  in  SPECA  implementing  the  2030  Agenda  for  Sustainable  Development
                   countries.  How  do  you  see  the  role  of  the  and  the  SDGs  which  should  remain  the  focus  of  social  and
                   SPECA programme in providing a platform to  economic  recovery  efforts  in  the  post-pandemic  period.              •

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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