Page 46 - DIVA_1_2021
P. 46
Ecole Moser – an institution committed
to innovative teaching since 1961
Interview with are Swiss owing to the program for the Swiss
Alain Moser baccalaureate (the maturité).
Let us leave the floor to Mr Alain Moser, Henri
Director General of the Moser Schools Moser’s son, who has continued in his father’s
footsteps and has presided over the school’s
management for almost 20 years. He will
The name is familiar, but few know much tell us more about the school, its underlying
about the Moser School, which is ranked concept and how it cultivates the desire for
among the best private schools in Switzerland. learning and develops creativity among the
It was founded 60 years ago by Henri Moser, pupils. It is fascinating, and one could only
a dedicated teacher with a heart of gold, wish that there were more such schools.
who used his spare time to teach immigrant
children to speak and write proper French. His Could you tell us a little about how it all
precept was simple: a child is never stupid; any started?
child’s success in life depends on the education The École Moser is one of the last family-run
that the child receives. schools in French-speaking Switzerland. Most
Mr Moser was fully committed to enabling of the other private schools have been bought
these children to be fully integrated into by investment groups. There are perhaps one
society by giving them a chance to develop as or two other family-owned schools left, but it
human beings. The result was an initial school has become an endangered species.
in 1961. Over the years the school developed My father, Henri Moser, was a teacher in the
further and not only grew in size but also Swiss public schools. He was ahead of his time
expanded to two other locations. Today and had innovating ideas when it came to
the school is present in Geneva, Nyon and education. He had a project enabling children
Berlin. Its reputation is excellent, and there who were not of French mother tongue to
are some 40 different nationalities among the learn the language correctly. The first thing
pupils, although the majority of the students he did during his public-school days was to
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h