Page 42 - DIVA_1_2021
P. 42
Launching of the book “Promoting peace, human
rights and dialogue among civilizations” in Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia
H.E. Mr. David
Fernández Puyana
Ambassador and Permanent Observer of the UN
University for Peace to the United Nations Office at
Geneva and UNESCO in Paris
In the context of the UN 100 Years of different backgrounds and cultures. He also
Multilateralism, 75 Years of the United indicated that the research pretends to fulfill
Nations inception and 40 Years of the at the educational level the commitment
UPEACE establishment, on 22 November included in the Declaration on Initiatives to
2020 the Muslim World League and the UN Protect Youth Against Extremist and Violent
University for Peace launched the research Thought, Promote Religious Freedom and the
“Promoting peace, human rights and dialogue Values of Tolerance, and Counter Hatred and
among civilizations” (539 pages) in the city of Marginalization, which was adopted in UN
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Geneva on 19 February 2020.
The launching was open by the moderator H.E. The first speaker to take the floor was H.E.
Mr. David Fernández Puyana, Ambassador Mr. Francisco Chacón, Ambassador of Costa
and Permanent Observer of the University Rica to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United
for Peace to the UN Geneva and UNESCO Arab Emirates and the Hashemite Kingdom
Paris, who said on behalf of Prof. Francisco of Jordan, who spoke on behalf H.E. Mr.
Rojas, Rector of UPEACE in Costa Rica, that Rodolfo Solano Quirós, Minister of Foreign
the University for Peace, together with the Affairs and Worship of Costa Rica, also co-
Muslim World League, promotes this book, author of the book. Ambassador Chacón
which highlights the actions of the United indicated that they wanted to commend
Nations, its Agencies, Programmes and Funds, and warmly congratulate the Muslim World
in the fulfilment of the great principles that League and the University for Peace for this
guide their multilateral action. Rector added inspiration work that bridges us together,
that he is pleased with the excellence of the and promotes a culture of peace, which is
authors who contributed to this book, as well a cornerstone of the Costa Rican Foreign
as the distinguished political and diplomatic Policy.
personalities who collaborated on it.
Immediately after the Costa Rican Ambassador,
The moderator also outlined that the the moderator recalled that Costa Rica is an
participation of thirty-two scholars in the example of a country rooted in the values of
book, such as diplomats, high UN Staff, human rights, dialogue and peace.
artists and academics have contributed to
the accomplishment of this piece of work. Next, H.E. Mrs. Lubna Qassim, Deputy
He added that thanks to their reflections, Permanent Representative of the United
the book has been enriched with the Arab Emirates to the United Nations Office at
experience and good practices coming from Geneva and other international organizations,
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h