Page 38 - DIVA_1_2021
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                                                                          with the WTO on economy and trade, with
                                                                          WIPO on intellectual property, with ITU on
                                                                          telecommunications, etc.
                                                                          Our  Permanent  Mission  in  Geneva  is  at
                                                                          the  same  time  the  Embassy  of  Tajikistan  in
                                                                          Switzerland. We cherish our bilateral relations
                                                                          with the host country as we have very good,
                                   basis of mutual respect, equality and mutually  friendly  relations  with  this  country  and
                                   beneficial  cooperation  with  all  near  and  cooperate very closely on many issues of the
                                   distant countries.                     international agenda.
                                   The  Republic  of  Tajikistan,  in  its  relations
                                   with neighboring states and countries of the  In this unusual year 2020, the United Nations
                                   region,  implements  a  policy  of  friendship,  is celebrating its 75th anniversary. As a “small”
                                   good-neighborliness and non-interference in  country, Tajikistan surely has a major interest
                                   each  other’s  internal  affairs,  which  is  aimed  in  the  multilateral  system  represented  by  the
                                   at forming a belt of confidence and security  United Nations. Could you talk about this in
                                   along the perimeter of the country’s borders.  terms of your country, but also in the broader
                                   This policy is based on the peaceful resolution  context beyond, as seen from a “small” country?
                                   of  all  controversial  issues,  including  border  And what do you respond when people say that
                                   and  water-energy  issues,  through  dialogue  multilateralism is at stake?
                                   and  negotiations,  based  on  mutual  trust  of  Over  these  years,  the  United  Nations  as  a
                                   the  parties  concerned  and  recognition  of  powerful  and  global  organization  has  been
                                   the principle of equality and indivisibility of  able  to  become  an  important  and  inclusive
                                   security in the region.                platform  for  addressing  pressing  global
                                   The  Republic  of  Tajikistan  is  a  supporter  of  challenges.
                                   the idea that the emerging new world system  The  organization’s  work  in  response  to  the
                                   should  be  completely  free  from  wars  and  rapidly  changing  international  situation  and
                                   conflicts, rudeness and violence, religious and  the rise of such modern threats and challenges
                                   civilizational fanaticism and xenophobia, and  as terrorism and extremism, global warming
                                   be based on the equal and mutually beneficial  and  the  spread  of  the  coronavirus  (SARS-
                                   cooperation  and  partnership  of  all  states  of  CoV-2)  once  again  demonstrates  that  many
                                   the world. All kinds of threats to international  countries around the world still need robust
                                   and  regional  peace  and  stability  must  be  and strengthened multilateral ties.
                                   neutralized through consent and constructive  Today,  the  majority  of  the  world’s  peoples
                                   dialogue  based  on  the  laws  of  international  believe  that  only  through  global,  inclusive
                                   law,  primarily  the  United  Nations  Charter,  dialogue and close cooperation can humankind
                                   as  the  main  organizational  principle  that  succeed in overcoming the current crises.
                                   regulates international relations.     Tajikistan  does  not  stand  aside;  rather  it
                                   Since  International  Geneva  hosts  the  is  actively  engaged  in  the  global  dialogue
                                   European Office of the United Nations – 36  proposed by the United Nations.
                                   international organizations such as the World  We  are  determined  to  increase  our  joint
                                   Health Organization (WHO) and the World  efforts with other countries to implement our
                                   Trade  Organization  (WTO),  approximately  constructive initiatives on water resources and
                                   700 nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)  climate change agenda.
                                   and 179 diplomatic missions, the activities of  Today, lack of access to a safe drinking water
                                   our diplomatic mission are very extensive.  source,  basic  sanitation  and  sound  hygiene
                                   One  of  the  our  priorities  is  of  course  alongside  with  water  scarcity  and  water
                                   cooperation  with  the  United  Nations  on  pollution constitute one of the major challenges
                                   human  rights  issues.  Along  with  this,  our  for the entire world, but in particular for the
                                   office  actively  cooperates  with  the  ICRC  developing countries. Increasing water-related
                                   in  the  humanitarian  sphere,  with  the  IOM  disasters,  global  warming,  urbanization,
                                   on  migration  issues,  with  the  UNHCR  for  population  growth,  desertification  and
                                   refugees,  with  the  WHO  on  health  issues,  drought, with the lack of capacity to ensure

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