Page 36 - DIVA_1_2021
P. 36


                                   Kyrgyzstan promotes the draft United Nations   participating country agrees with that now.
                                   General Assembly resolution “Nature knows
                                   no  borders:  Transboundary  cooperation  –  a   The current crisis induced by the COVID-19
                                   key  factor  for  biodiversity  conservation  and   pandemic has significantly affected the societies
                                   sustainable use”, which foresees the adoption   and economies of the SPECA countries. It has
                                   of urgent, joint steps and measures to ensure   led to disruption of production, contraction in
                                   that  future  generations  have  a  clean,  green   economic output and decline in employment
                                   and safe environment.                  and  household  incomes.  Self-isolation,
                                                                          social  distancing  and  lock-down  measures,
                                   The  Kyrgyz  Republic  actively  participates   necessary  to  contain  the  spread  of  the
                                   in  the  work  of  the  ECE  and  in  the  United   pandemic, have exacerbated already existing
                                   Nations Special Programme for the Economies   socioeconomic  challenges  in  the  Central
                                   of  Central  Asia  (SPECA).  Indeed,  it  chaired   Asian  region.  It  is  disturbing  to  reverse  the
                                   the  programme  in  2020.  The  ECE  will  be   development progress attained so far, as well
                                   coordinating  the  support  for  the  SPECA   as the prospects of achieving the Sustainable
                                   in  2021,  working  with  the  United  Nations   Development  Goals  (SDGs).  Therefore,  up-
                                   Economic and Social Commission for Asia and   do-date programmes, in our opinion, should
                                   the  Pacific  (ESCAP)  and  the  United  Nations   be developed and implemented in the region,
                                   Resident Coordinators in the SPECA countries.   with a focus on:
                                   How does Kyrgyzstan see the role of the SPECA   -  cooperation  in  tackling  the  COVID-19
                                   programme in providing a platform to achieve   pandemic and post-pandemic recovery; cross-
                                   sustainable development through cross-border   border  trade  facilitation;  regional  transport
                                   cooperation,  especially  in  this  time  of  the   connectivity;  increasing  the  digital  potential
                                   COVID-19 pandemic?                     for  sustainable  economic  transformation;
                                   Indeed,  Kyrgyzstan  chaired  the  SPECA   addressing  challenges  to  the  further
                                   programme  from  November  2019  until   implementation  of  SDGs;  improved  energy
                                   November  2020.  After  organizing  the   supply and mutually beneficial cooperation in
                                   fifteenth  session  of  the  SPECA’s  Governing   this area; joint environmental projects aimed
                                   Council  back-to-back  with  the  SPECA   at climate change mitigation and adaptation
                                   Economic  Forum  “Regional  Cooperation   –  in  the  case  of  Kyrgyzstan  –  related  to  the
                                   to  Support  Socioeconomic  Recovery  in  the   rapidly  melting  glaciers,  from  which  all  the
                                   Wake  of  COVID-19”  on  18-20  November   water resources of the region originate.
                                   2020,  Kyrgyzstan  passed  the  chairmanship   - special attention by the SPECA, the ECE and
                                   over to Uzbekistan. Both events were held in   the ESCAP must be given to the situation of
                                   virtual mode this year owing to the COVID-  landlocked  countries  like  Kyrgyzstan,  which
                                   19  situation,  and,  of  course,  Kyrgyzstan   find  themselves  in  an  extremely  difficult
                                   chaired all of them. The ECE and the ESCAP’s   situation  given  the  current  developments.
                                   Subregional Office for North and Central Asia   We  believe  that  in  these  times  of  crisis  the
                                   located in Almaty were a great support to our   region  has  to  show  the  whole  world  –  and
                                   Government  and  to  the  Permanent  Mission   set  the  example  for  –  regional  cooperation
                                   in  Geneva  in  all  our  efforts  and  activities   and  connectivity.  Only  through  joint  efforts
                                   during chairmanship. As a participant in the   and close commitment we can overcome the
                                   SPECA,  Kyrgyzstan  values  its  activities  in   current crisis. This is our strong belief, and we
                                   the Central Asian region. But we have to be   stand  ready  for  further  fruitful  cooperation
                                   honest, although the SPECA programme has   with  the  ECE,  the  SPECA  and  all  other
                                   an effect, and there are some results in cross-  United Nations organizations and agencies in
                                   border cooperation in transport connectivity   general.
                                   and  energy-related  projects  among  some
                                   participating countries, the level of efficiency   I thank you for your interest and attention to
                                   certainly needs to be raised. It should reflect   our Permanent Mission and I wish you and
                                   current issues of high relevance, be improved   the DIVA Magazine all the best for 2021!   •
                                   and  modernized.  Pretty  much  every

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