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                   economy and application of green technologies,   “We believe the United Nations
                   protection of water resources and addressing
                   air pollution and environmental degradation,   should still play a pivotal and positive
                   to  name  just  a  few.  All  these  activities  seek   role in addressing these challenges
                   to  contribute  to  the  implementation  of  the
                   Sustainable  Development  Goals  at  both  and in making the most of
                   national and regional levels.          opportunities. “
                   Since  October  2019,  Azerbaijan  has  been
                   honoured  to  preside  over  the  Non-Aligned
                   Movement (NAM), the biggest political group
                   within  the  United  Nations,  comprising  120
                   Member  States.  The  Permanent  Mission  of
                   Azerbaijan  is  mandated  to  coordinate  work   Movement, H.E. Mr. Ilham Aliyev, put forward
                   of the Geneva Chapter of the NAM in almost   the initiative to convene a special session of
                   every  domain  of  United  Nations  work  and   the  United  Nations  General  Assembly  in
                   activities in Geneva. This is in addition to the   response  to  COVID-19,  an  initiative  that
                   burden of my normal duties as the Permanent   enjoyed  the  support  of  some  140  United
                   Representative  of  Azerbaijan  in  Geneva.   Nations Member States and was successfully
                   Nevertheless,  we  are  doing  our  utmost  to   convened this December. This illustrates the
                   strengthen the role of the Movement within   conviction  on  the  part  of  the  international
                   the United Nations system in Geneva under   community that the United Nations remains
                   the valuable guidance and support from fellow   the  most  appropriate  multilateral  platform
                   NAM Member States.                     for consolidated efforts to overcome various
                                                          challenges on the global agenda, including the
                   The  United  Nations  recently  celebrated  its   pandemic.  In  general,  regarding  the  United
                   seventy-fifth anniversary. What has been the   Nations, expectations are high, and this should
                   influence  of  the  United  Nations,  and  of  the   stimulate the United Nations and its Member
                   United Nations agencies in Geneva specifically,   States  to  better  adapt  it  to  the  realities  of  a
                   on the life of people in your country since its   new century to effectively carry out its global
                   independence?                          mission.
                   Everybody agrees that, since it was established
                   75  years  ago,  the  United  Nations  has  made   Azerbaijan  is  grateful  for  the  multifaceted
                   an  enormous  positive  contribution  to   support the United Nations and its Geneva-
                   maintaining international peace and security,   based   institutions   have   provided   to
                   promoting  cooperation  among  its  Member   Azerbaijan,  particularly  in  the  early  stages
                   States and international development. At the   following Azerbaijan’s independence after the
                   same  time,  all  of  us  acknowledge  that  the   collapse of the Soviet Union, when we had to
                   world  has  tremendously  changed  since  that   start  basically  from  the  scratch  the  building
                   time,  bringing  new  challenges  of  a  global   of our society, all compounded with internal
                   and  regional  nature,  but  also  opportunities.   and  external  challenges  that  Azerbaijan  was
                   We  believe  the  United  Nations  should  still   confronted  with  during  that  period.  During
                   play a pivotal and positive role in addressing   the initial years, the United Nations’ support
                   these  challenges  and  in  making  the  most  of   was  primarily  focused  on  the  immediate
                   opportunities.  This  is  especially  important   needs  of  refugees  and  IDPs  affected  by
                   for the United Nations to prove its relevance   the  aggression  by  neighbouring  Armenia
                   and  effectiveness  now  when  the  world  is   against  Azerbaijan.  The  United  Nations
                   heavily engaged in combatting the COVID-19   was  also  helpful  to  Azerbaijan  in  realizing
                   pandemic with its unprecedented implications   political and economic reforms to achieve the
                   for societies and communities.         establishment of a pluralistic democracy based
                                                          on a vibrant market economy and the rule of
                   It  is  no  accident  that  the  President  of   law. In partnership with the United Nations
                   Azerbaijan and Chairman of the Non-Aligned   family,  Azerbaijan  has  achieved  impressive

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