Page 43 - DIVA_1_2021
P. 43


                   through a video-recorded message, indicated
                   that  it  is  an  honour  and  a  privilege  to  have
                   contributed to an unprecedented initiative on
                   Peace and Human Rights. She shared UAE’s
                   exemplary model of tolerance and inclusion.
                   She also stressed that it is critical time in the
                   history of mankind to embrace our differences
                   and  she  hoped  that  through  this  book  we
                   engage  in  inter-religious  and  inter-cultural
                   dialogues for peace and prosperity for all.

                   After  her  video-recorded  message,  the
                   moderator  stressed  that  UAE  is  a  model  of
                   tolerance and inclusion.
                   Afterwards, H.E. Mr. Alvaro Iranzo Gutiérrez,  Djacta,  international  civil  servants  have  a
                   Ambassador of Spain to the Kingdom of Saudi  special  calling:  to  serve  the  ideals  of  peace,
                   Arabia, stressed that Spain has also tried to play  respect  for  fundamental  rights,  economic
                   a role in international efforts aimed at providing  and  social  progress,  and  international
                   structure to the dialogue between societies and  cooperation.
                   religions. He added that the splendid work of
                   research coordinated by the UN University of  Before  the  intervention  delivered  by  H.E.
                   Peace and the Muslim World League deserves  Archbishop Mr. Ivan Jurkovič, Apostolic Nuncio
                   full  support  and  dedicated  consideration.  It  and  Permanent  Observer  of  the  Holy  See  to
                   thoroughly  provides  the  intellectual  backing  the United Nations Office at Geneva and other
                   that is so necessary to rise above perceptions of  international  organizations,  the  moderator
                   the past that thrive on the divides.   stressed  that  the  Archbishop’s  visit  at  the
                                                          Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a historic landmark
                   Once  his  statement  was  delivered,  the  and follow-up of the first visit made by Cardinal
                   moderator  indicated  that  Spain  is  well  Touran  in  2018,  in  which  he  was  received  by
                   positioned to make a solid contribution to the  the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King
                   promotion of peace, respect of basic human  Salman bin  Abdulaziz  Al  Saud  and  H.E.  Mr.
                   rights  and  positive  coexistence  of  religions  Mohammed Bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa.
                   and civilizations.
                                                          During  his  presentation,  H.E.  Archbishop
                   On his turn, H.E. Mr. Larbi Djacta, Chair of  Mr. Ivan Jurkovič stressed that looking at the
                   the  International  Civil  Service  Commission  current  scenario,  brotherhood  is  essential.
                   and  Under-Secretary  General  of  the  United  Today  even  more  through  Pope  Francis’s
                   Nations,  underlined  in  a  video-recorded  most recent Encyclical Letter “Fratelli Tutti”,
                   message that international civil servants have  fraternity  is  not  evoked  as  an  abstract  and
                   a special calling: to serve the ideals of peace,  consolatory aspiration, but as an effective and
                   respect for fundamental rights, economic and  realistic criterion of coexistence. He added that
                   social progress, and international cooperation.  the inevitable consequence of abandoning the
                   He  added  that  UNESCO  is  the  lead  agency  civility of encounter is to resort to the incivility
                   in  the  United  Nations  system  to  promote  of conflict. It is urgent and exciting, that we
                   the  interreligious  and  intercultural  dialogue  –Christians,  Muslims  and  all  believers-  are
                   within  the  International  Decade  for  the  called to offer our specific contribution.
                   Rapprochement  of  Cultures.  He  wished  that
                   the culture of peace and tolerance inspire their  After  the  Archbishop’s  intervention,  the
                   daily work within the United Nations system.   moderator  reminded  that  the  promotion  of
                                                          interfaith  dialogue  is  an  important  element
                   After  his  video-recorded  message,  the  in  the  mission  of  the  Catholic  Church  and
                   moderator recalled that as indicated by H.E.  includes,  among  its  goals,  striving  for  unity

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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