Page 48 - DIVA_1_2021
P. 48


                   “The novelty is that we now offer our pupils           What are the differences between yours and
                                                                          the other schools?
                             double diplomas – the International
                                                                          It  is  the  concept  that’s  different.  We  have  a
                       Baccalaureate and the maturité. We are             mission,  and  that  consists  of  developing  the

                          the only school in Switzerland offering         desire  to  learn  and  stimulating  the  pupil’s
                                                                          creativity.  Children  are  hypercreative.  If  you
                               these two diplomas to our pupils.”         listen to TED talks, Ken Robinson says school
                                                                          kills creativity. I think he is right, and this is
                                                                          why we are encouraging it here, in this school.
                                                                          There  are  three  areas  –  the  first  involving
                                   Association  genevoise  des  écoles  privées  and   academic  skills  of  a  very  high  level.  The
                                   was the president of the Association suisse des   Swiss baccalaureate, or maturité, is extremely
                                   écoles privées.                        difficult  to  obtain.  Only  20  percent  of  the
                                                                          pupils  in  Switzerland  succeed  in  earning
                                   When did you take over the schools?    this diploma. In comparison, for the French
                                   I  joined  the  school  in  1996.  The  school  in   baccalaureate, it’s 90 percent, for the German,
                                   Nyon  needed  somebody  to  carry  out  daily   approximately  60  percent.  We  are  the  Swiss
                                   management, so, I stepped in and remained   school  of  reference.  The  novelty  is  that  we
                                   there for six years. Then I returned to Geneva.   now offer our pupils double diplomas – the
                                   It  was  at  that  time  that  we  built  this  new   International Baccalaureate and the maturité.
                                   building here at Chêne-Bougeries. It brought   We are the only school in Switzerland offering
                                   with  it  a  slightly  different  pedagogy  with   these two diplomas to our pupils. In the other
                                   amphitheaters  where  the  classes  are  taught.   schools, the pupil chooses either one, at our
                                   There are no traditional classrooms but science   school they get both!
                                   laboratories of different sorts. Today we have   In other words, a very high academic level and
                                   700 pupils in Geneva and 400 in Nyon. Ten   social  skills  are  key  here.  The  International
                                   years  ago,  I  set  up  a  subsidiary  in  Berlin  to   Baccalaureate  also  encourages  social  skills,
                                   make linguistic exchanges.             but  the  learning  environment  in  our  school
                                                                          can be described as positive discipline which
                                   Why  did  you  decide  to  set  up  a  subsidiary   consists of firmness and kindness. It consists
                                   school in Berlin?                      of  developing  collaboration,  autonomy  and
                                   In  general,  the  French-speaking  Swiss  do   responsibility.  If  we  develop  these  skills  in
                                   not  like  the  German  language.  They  have   the  children,  they  learn  better.  We  have  a
                                   to  learn  it  in  school,  but  they  rarely  use  it.   pedagogical  system  that  makes  the  children
                                   It’s  therefore  very  hard  to  make  pupils  love   collaborate, and they are show solidarity with
                                   German. I asked myself why, and how to go   each other.
                                   about making them like German, because it’s   The  second  area  that  we  develop  is  digital
                                   fundamental.  In  order  to  motivate  children   proficiencies.  What  is  digital  at  the  Moser
                                   to use German, the idea was to send them to   School? It consists of three different aspects.
                                   Berlin to use their language skills. I looked for   The first is about how it works – programming
                                   partner schools in Germany where French was   and understanding the digital language. It is
                                   taught, but we did not find a suitable partner.   important that in the twenty-first century we
                                   So, I told my colleagues, that if we want the   understand  this  language.  The  second  is:  in
                                   pupils to like German, we have to make them   which  context  do  we  use  it?  Is  it  important
                                   like Germany. And what is better than Berlin?   to have an iPad in the French class? What is
                                   Berlin is the “New York” of Europe, and I love   the added value of using an iPad in French, or
                                   Berlin myself.                         mathematics? What more does the iPad bring
                                   I brought my family with me and set up the   to the subject? If there is no value added we
                                   school.  In  the  beginning  we  had  only  one   do not use it. They all have IPADs, but they
                                   class, but it soon became a success. What my   also have textbooks and they love to read. Last
                                   father spent 30 years of his life to build here in   year  the  school  library  handled  more  than
                                   Switzerland took me 10 years in Berlin.  16,000  book  loans.  There  are  700  pupils,  so

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