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                                                                          refugees have a legal status, and these pioneers                in different capacities and different locations,  their salaries etc. and know they are taken care of, they can focus on
                                                                          laid the basis for international humanitarian law               in emergencies and non-emergencies. I have  doing a good job. So, I actually see my mission as just as important
                                                                          as we know it today.                                            also been on loan to several UN entities.  In  as that of those on the front line.
                                                                                                                                          and out of Headquarters, Geneva has become
                                                                          We  wanted  to  know  a  little  bit  more  about               my main home base, a city I have learned to  Could you tell us more about what exactly you do?
                                                                          what  it’s  like  to  work  in  UNHCR,  and  we                 love as my own.                        It’s always been a kind of mixture of budget, admin, finance and
                                                                          were lucky to meet Gry Kristiansen, a brilliant                                                        human resources. It is always highly varied although the title and
                                                                          administrative officer who has spent most of                    You said that you have been posted in many  topic might be the same. Sometimes you are responsible for buying
                                                                          her  career  in  the  organisation.  To  talk  with             different locations around the world. Where  new  cars  and  finding  the  money  to  do  so,  sometimes  you  have
                                                                          Gry  was  inspiring  because  of  her  positive                 have you been?                         sleepless nights working on a staff member’s medical evacuation,
                                                                          spirit. While she has done so many different                    I  have  been  to  Bangkok,  Nairobi,  Amman,  sometimes  it  is  processing  visa  requests  for  people   or  finding
                                                                          things to help others get a better life, in line                Bagdad, New York and then on many missions.  a good home for the kittens that were just born in your meeting
                                                                          with  Nansen’s  visions,  her  humbleness  is                   UNHCR is involved in emergencies. I was in  room during your country budget review..– it is always a challenge
                                                                          striking.                                                       Afghanistan and Pakistan on that operation, I  – there’s never a dull moment.
                                                                                                                                          have gone to Sudan and Chad several times.
                                                                          So, let’s leave the floor to Gry to learn a little              In Africa I travelled a lot, in connection with  When you go on these missions, you see all these suffering people.
                                                                          more about her work and what they do in the                     my posting in Nairobi. When I was posted in  How do you cope with that?
                                                                          UNHCR.                                                          Bangkok, I also had regional responsibilities  It  is  not  easy.  I  want  things  to  work  and  to  move  forward.  But
                                                                                                                                          which gave me a chance to travel a lot in that  this can be a task larger than life.  Sometimes  you want to blame
                                                                          Could  you  tell  us  a  little  about  your                    part of the world.                     somebody whether it is God, the President, the country that does
                                                                          background?                                                     So, I must say, I have been extremely privileged.  not give enough, or the countries that do not pay their dues.  At the
                                                                          I  was  born  in  Bergen  and  raised  in  Moss,                Even if I were to choose from the top shelf at  same time, I can only make my little contribution worth it.
                  Interview with                                          close to Oslo. After high school I attended the                 the Amusement Park when winning the prize,  As a result, you get very attached to your job, and you really want
                                                                                                                                          I think I got far more than actually shown on  to  deliver.  My  small  contribution  is  perhaps  a  big  contribution
                                                                          Norwegian School of Economics and Business
                  Ms Gry Kristiansen                                      Administration  (NHH),  and  I  graduated  in                   the shelf at the outset. By joining the United  although in a tiny context, but it still matters. I need to see it like that
                                                                          1985.  In  the  1980s,  among  the  main  topics
                                                                                                                                          Nations,  we  want  to  change  and  save  the  in order to have the rationale for not bowing under the pressure.
                  Administrative Officer, United Nations                  of  discussion  in  public  affairs  were  finance,             world, no surprise, it’s not as easy as we think.
                  High Commissioner for Refugees                          leasing,  factoring…  so  this  area  became  my                I still believe  that I have managed to develop  As a contrast to the field, what would a job  in the UN Metropole of
                                                                                                                                          myself in through the challenges, travels and  New York look like?
                  (UNHCR)                                                 At  one  stage,  I  read  in  an  article  in  one  of          the  languages  learned.  I  have  been  to  many  In a way it’s also highly varied but covers a much smaller area and
                                                                          the  leading  newspapers,  Aftenposten,  that                   places and hope to go to more before I reach  is  less  demanding  operationally  on  a  day  to  day  basis.  What  is
                                   Under normal circumstances, the Norwegian  Norway was going to be involved in the Epcot                the time where it will all be just sitting around  really interesting is to get a peek into the larger UN and understand
                                   Mission  in  Geneva  and  missions  elsewhere  centre in Florida. I had been there and was             reading  the  newspapers,  no  longer  being  more of the politics and interaction of the Organization and the
                                   were about to celebrate the 160  anniversary  fascinated by the concept, and sent an open              part of the action. So far, I feel that I’m really  agencies
                                   of  the  birth  of  Fridjof  Nansen,  the  famous  application. I got a chance go to work there        privileged.
                                   Norwegian explorer, scientist, diplomat, and  in  something  they  call  the  World  Showcase                                                 If you go into a field operation, I may have a Finance officer, an HR
                                   not  the  least,  the  first  High  Commissioner  Fellowship  Programme  (no  longer  existing),       Your last posting, you were based in Bagdad.  officer, IT officer in my team… In a small office with a large context
                                   for  Refugees.  Unfortunately,  Covid-19  came  and  I  represented  Norway.  It  was  a  unique       How was it to live there?              like New York you have to have to deal with all the problems on
                                   along and changed a lot of plans.      experience, and I was there from 1986-1987.                     It was a very special situation, both working  your own so it’s actually refreshing.
                                                                          I then retuned to Bergen where I worked in                      and living conditions, in terms of the freedom
                                   However, this does not prevent us from being able  the  hotel/hospitality  sector  for  two  years.    you do not have, the type of offices you have  What about the Norwegian community. Are you involved there?
                                   to pay tribute to Nansen and in particularly to his  Then  I  aimed  for  the  United  Nations.  I  sat   and  the  way  you  are  living  in  containers,  I’m very impressed by the Norwegian community in New York. It’s
                                   legacy, the United Nations High Commissioner  for the National Competitive Exam in 1988,               surrounded by sandbags and soldiers . It’s an  very active, long standing and with long traditions. The church is
                                   for Refugees. While the organisation as we see  was  accepted  and  was  offered  a  job.  My          intellectual challenge. You go there, and say to  of course a hub for many activities, and so, it draws people to it.
                                   it today was set up after WW2 to deal with the  desire was to go to New York, and although             yourself: This is what it looks like and this is  Norwegians, traditionally, are not sucked into each other’s spheres.
                       “So far,    refugee crisis that the war had brought about, it  Geneva  was  perhaps  not  my  first  choice,  I    what you have to deal with. And that’s what you  It is more like, “Hei, how are you?” and then they go on with their
                                   but was built on the foundations of the Nansen  ended up there. Looking back, I think it was           do. If you want to sit down and complain, you  life. Here they have a tendency to link up more than in other places,
                           I feel   Office  for  Refugees.  Many  people  tend  to  a very lucky choice. I started out my United          will never survive. I was there for a different  so,  that  has  been  a  very  positive  starting  point  because  moving
                       that I’m    remember Nansen for his polar expeditions, but  Nations career in the Economic Commission              purpose. So, I really enjoyed Bagdad because I  always means starting from scratch.
                                   we think his legacy is even greater when it comes  for  Europe,  and  then  I  transferred  to  Office   really felt that I could make a difference.
                          really   to his work for prisoners of war and refugees.  of  the  High  Commissioner  for  Refugees  in         My work is not in the forefront of saving or  So leaving Gry to her busy life in UNHCR, we wish her and her

                   privileged.”    It’s because of Nansen and his colleagues that  1993. Since then, I have been working there            helping, but if the people who go out there get  colleagues all the best in these challenging times.                MF •

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