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The United Nations Geneva Football Club nominates a
Gender Focal Point
The vision of the United Nations Geneva
Football Club – FC ONU Geneva – is to
use football as a vehicle to promote health,
well-being and social values of its members.
Simultaneously, to maximize the potential
of football for the Sustainable Development
Goals (SGDs), FC ONU Geneva has decided
to evolve its vision as an important enabler
of the SDGs, with particular focus on SDG
3 (Good Health and Well-Being), SDG 5
(Gender Equality) and SDG 17 (Partnerships
for the Goals).
Contribution of Football to the Empowerment
of Women and Young People
In the perspective of implementing the United
Nations Geneva Football Club’s gender Ms. Phillips will support the President and
mainstreaming strategy and building capacities the Executive Committee of the FC ONU
among its members- current and future- as well Geneva to carry out their commitment to
as its stakeholders, the Executive Committee implementing gender mainstreaming. Please
has decided to nominate a gender focal point feel free to contact Rachel (r.phillips@unesco.
to incorporate gender into its work, in terms of org) with your ideas on how we can work
strategy, activities and decision-making. together be it via an activity or any other
initiative you may have so we can collectively
As a result, the Executive Committee is achieve the SDGs.
pleased to announce the nomination of Ms.
Rachel Phillips as the gender focal point who The Club organizes and participates in
will advocate for increased attention to, and various events at local, national, regional and
integration of, gender equality in the Club’s international levels. It also carries out warm-
planning, activities and decision-making up activities every Monday and Thursday.
Those who are interested in the Club and its
Ms. Phillips brings to this role over 10 years of activities are invited to contact:
experience in event organization and human Mr. Youssef Dhabbah:
resources. She is currently working with the
UNESCO Liaison Office in Geneva where Mr. Lalouani Chouder:
her most recent work involves assisting the
Sport and Development Focal Points team Ms. Rachel Phillips:
and supporting the Kazan Action Plan 4: To
conduct a feasibility study on the establishment STAY ACTIVE
of a Global Observatory for Women, Sport,
Physical Education and Physical Activity. - STAY HEALTHY
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h