Page 49 - DIVA_1_2021
P. 49
it suggests that they read a lot. In the digital
classes they are taught why we use it and in
which context.
Finally, media education is the third one.
Here we look at the trace I leave in the digital
sphere; the fake news; property rights; photos.
We bring one of Switzerland’s best experts on
the cyberspace to give lectures on what to do
and not to do in cyberspace. Thus, we start winter and summer camps, but that also can
developing these skills in the primary education be used as a centre for teacher training, the
and continue until the pupil is off to university. Moser Institute. All together there are 110
My utmost goal is that the children succeed in beds, in rooms of 4 each with bathrooms,
university, and that’s the reason why we train open space for co-working, a big kitchen
them to be independent, to work in groups where people can cook together. There is also
and provide them with digital skills. We arm a climbing wall and many other facilities. It’s
them for tomorrow’s challenges. really nice. What is even nicer is that you can
go there by train. The train stops just in front
What are the criteria to be admitted to your of the building, and it’s direct from Geneva.
In general, what happens is that often parents Q: Do you have any particular training for
come to see us because their child is bored in the teachers? If yes, what does it consist of?
school. They tend to have a good academic It consists of the use of digital tools in the school.
record, but the parents have the impression Next week, I will train other headmasters on
that their child could do better, or does not how to set up a digital strategy in the schools
get enough challenges in school, so we receive – how to train the teachers, and how to get
the pupil and the parents. The youngest ones them on board. We know how to do so. We
fill out a portfolio with different elements – a have in fact developed training modules on
drawing, a text etc., and bring something he/ different topics such as how to use Teams in
she would like to show us. an efficient way, how to make short videos to
Positive discipline by Dr Jane Nelson is the explain complex issues.
basic philosophy of our school. In fact, it was We also use videos in what we call inverted
in the 70s, in the Bronx, that Dr Jane Nelson classes. That is, the theory at home and the
noticed that always blaming the same pupils experiment in school. For instance, on how
resulted in higher dropout rates and school to make soaps. It’s a complex issue, and the
failures. What is nice about positive discipline theory is quite difficult to understand. So, what
is that by developing resect, collaboration and we have done is to make a short video where
responsibility, what happens? We encourage the teacher explain the theory. The pupil’s
learning. So, when you develop that in the homework consists of watching the video and
children, they learn better. the next day they will do the practical work in
The Moser School is the only certified positive the science laboratory.
discipline school in Switzerland for its whole We have a digital platform called Matuonline.
school. All the Moser collaborators have ch where you will find all the classes
followed the Positive Discipline Seminar. We given by the teacher of chemistry, biology,
need to be kind and strict. mathematics… It is the whole programme.
The teachers explain on-line, there are excises,
In addition to the school, it seems you have and it’s really well done. The pupils have access
set up two other initiatives, one is on-line and to this free of charge. Last year there were
the other is in the village of Leysin. Could you 3,000 pupils from other schools who bought
please tell us more about these two projects? the classes online.
We had chalets in Leysin where we had From time to time I meet pupils from the
summer and winter camps. We are currently other institutions, and some come to thank
constructing a building that will be for the me for this initiative. It’s really gratifying. •
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h