Page 23 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 23

P e a c e   m o n u m e n t s   o f   G e n e v a

                 At risk of being lost forever –

                 the Temple of Peace

                 If the Peace Column was lost, and the black marble obelisk is   The Temple was built by de Sellon, had a round form of 3,60
                 “almost forgotten” as a peace monument, the destiny of the   m diameter, with a cupola and six columns. In the middle of
                 peace monument called The Temple of Peace and Friendship,   the Temple was a circular marble table. On the roof Temple
                 is even more tragic – it was destroyed, and it is at risk of   de	 la	 Paix	 et	 de	 l’Amitié	 was  inscribed.    Around  each
                 being forgotten. It is listed among peace monuments which   column there were inscriptions, possibly depicting de Sellon’s
                 have  disappeared.  This  article  aims  to  to  raise  awareness   aspirations for that era. The phrase “Friendship	Enhances
                 and  encourage  serious  reflection  explore  possibilities  for   Happiness	and	is	a	support	in	times	of	Grief”	is written
                 the restoration of the Temple of Peace in, and perhaps by,   in six languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
                 Geneva.                                         and Latin, one language on the inside of each Temple column
                                                                 (inscription details in the article of JC Pallas).  The Temple
                 The exact date of the erection of the Temple of Peace is not   therefore represents an important symbol of peace and non-
                 known  and  in  dispute.  Different  sources  provide  different   violence, and passes on an important message.
                 dates, from 1838 to as early as the 1820 construction of the
                 Villa La Fenetre itself. The date 1838 was engraved on the   The  Temple  was  generally  recognized  as  a  significant
                 Temple, but this could have been done later, corresponding   monument, especially in the years following its destruction.
                 to  some  other  event  or  milestone.  Having  studied  private   Unfortunately, no-one has stories of seeing it, and very few
                 archives, I came across descriptions of the Temple from the   people now know about it, except a few architects, researchers
                 early 1830s, soon after the establishment of the Société de   or people keeping de Sellon’s heritage.
                 la Paix.  These were once again provided by the renowned
                 American  reformer  Henry  Barnard ,  who  visited  the   In the years after its destruction, there were several schemes
                 property in early 1830, and according to whom the Temple   to restore the Temple. Proposals were made by the Geneva
                 of Peace and Friendship was already an integral part of the   United  Nations  Office,  and  the  City  of  Geneva,  private
                 grounds.  He gives the year of erection as 1820, as do some   foundations,  and  by  workers  from  many  international
                 other  sources  (Geneva  Peace  Itinerary  “Geneva  for  Peace”   organizations. The most significant proposals were:
                 and Peace Monuments of Geneva).
                                                                 In 1956, by the “Club de Dix Ans” in New York, submitted to
                 Recently,  a  group  of  students  from  the  Haut  Ecole  d’Art  et   the then Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld.
                 Design,  who  discovered  the  remains  of  the  Temple,  saw  all   In  early  1964  –  a  proposal  to  have  the  Temple  restored
                 engravings and analyzed its architectural value, after thorough   in  commemoration  for  the  second  Secretary-General.
                 research, concluded that the Temple was erected in 1820 . The
                 Temple may have been built during the construction of the Villa   In  1967,  a  petition  to  restore  the  Temple  as  a  centre  for
                 La Fenêtre itself, and so can be considered a real part of the   meditation, open to all faiths, delegates, official representatives,
                 origin of the Geneva peace movement, dating back 200 years.   and  citizens  of  Geneva  was  signed  by  people  from  many
                 This would make it the earliest peace monument in Geneva.  organisations, addressed to the UNOG Director-General.
                                                                 In early 1970s – a joint proposal was made by the Director-
                 This monument is not well known, although it is listed as   General of the WMO, President of the Societe d’Art Public
                 historical heritage and is the earliest tangible sign of peace   Sections  Genevoise  de  la  Ligue  Suisse  du  Patrimoine
                 action  in  Geneva.    Unfortunately,  it  was  destroyed  in  a   Nationale, to restore the Temple to preserve its architectural
                 thunderstorm in 1946 and never rebuilt. There are practically   heritage,  on  the  anniversary  of  European  Architectural
                 no  photos  of  this  monument,  only  rare  drawings  and   Heritage in 1975.
                 illustrations in archives.
                                                                 Over the same period the destroyed peace monument also
                                                                 became a matter of serious concern to the City of Geneva. In
                 1 Notes “A visit to the Count de Sellon, Founder and President   1985 the City was willing to restore the Temple, admitting its
                 of the Geneva Peace Society”, in September 1835 (published   importance as a historic peace monument (article by Serge
                 by American Advocate of Peace, 1843-1836, Vol2, No. 10,   Bimpage, Le Temps, 1985, photo of the article is given in this
                 pp.81-86.)                                      article, and can be reviewed in the archives of the Le Temps
                 2 Maria Adelaida Samper et Kate McHugh Stevenson « Temple   magazine).
                 de l’Amitié et de la Paix ., les ruines d’une métaphore », La
                 Cité, Fevrier 2013, page 30.



                                                                            D I VA   -   I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT T


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