Page 18 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 18

“Almost forgotten”                                              Peace monuments
                                                                                                         of Geneva

                              Peace Monument of



                   Archives  and  books  of  the  mid                                   gleaming out from the trees and
                   1830s  clearly  describe  a  high                                    shrubbery, looks like a picture in
                   black  marble  obelisk,  placed                                      the  magnificent  frame  work  of
                   so  that  it  would  be  visible  to                                 the Jura, and the mightier ranges
                   everyone passing by the famous                                       of the mountains of Switzerland
                   Villa  of  the  Count  de  Sellon  in                                and Savoy.
                   Pregny  -  Villa  La  Fenêtre.    The                                On entering the grounds, we left
                   obelisk  is  also  shown  in  some                                   the  carriage,  and  walked  along
                   lithographs  and  is  described                                      one  of  the  paths  which  lead  up
                   as  an  unusual  structure  with                                     to  the  monument  erected  by  the
                   four  clear-cut  sides,  similar                                     Count,  to  commemorate  the
                   to  an  Egyptian  stele,  each                                       foundation  of  the  Peace  Society
                   bearing  engravings.  This  was                                      of  Geneva,  and  as  a  tribute  of
                   de  Sellon’s  personal  statement                                    respect  to  some  of  the  brightest
                   against  violence  and  dedicated                                    names which illustrate the annals
                   to  peace.    It  was  conceived  to                                 of Peace and Humanity.
                   commemorate the establishment
                   of the Peace Society.                                                It is an obelisk, of one solid block of
                                                                                        marble, I believe, and bears upon
                   There  is  an  interesting  and                                      three  of  its  sides  the  following
                   detailed  first-hand  description,                                   names :-
                   by  one  of  de  Sellon’s  guests,
                   renowned  American  reformer                                         NICHOLAS  DE  FLUE  –  the
                   Henry Barnard.  He published his notes, entitled: “A visit to   pacificator of Switzerland.
                   the Count de Sellon, Founder and President of the Geneva   HENRY IV, KING OF FRANCE - who proposed a congress
                   Peace Society”, in September 1835 (published by American   of nations as the arbiter of international disputes.
                   Advocate of Peace, 1843-1836, Vol2, No. 10, pp.81-86.).   DUKE DE SULLY - his friend, minister, and historian.
                   “I  HAVE  remained another day  at Geneva, that I might accept   FENELON - who traced in his Telemaque, the character of a
                   the Count de Sellon’s invitation to visit him at his country   pacific monarch, as a model of imitation for the presumptive
                   seat-a few miles out of the city. I am glad I have done so; for   heir of the French crown.
                   a more delightful spot than Fenetre - one presenting so many   LEOPOLD - Grand Duke of Tuscany, who abolished in his
                   charms of scenery…                              dominions the punishment of death.
                                                                   BECCARIA-whose  eloquent  treatise  on  crimes  and
                   “The Count called for me in his carriage…, we drove through   punishments  has  contributed  to  the  reformation  of  the
                   the beautiful environs of the city, to Fenetre. His grounds   Criminal Law in Europe.
                   are extensive, and laid out in the English style of landscape   CHARLES  LUCAS  -  Inspector  General  of  the  prisons  of
                   gardening - and the views which they every where command,   France, who has done much to improve their condition, and
                   especially the lawn in front of the house, are superb.  Lake   whose treatise on the abolition of capital punishment, was
                   Leman; with all the vine covered country, to the west - and   crowned with a prize.
                   the villages and country seats, sprinkled along the shore and   EDWARD LIVINGSTON - who proposed the abolition of

                   I I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT   -   D I VA

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