Page 20 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 20

of Geneva
                                                                                                       Peace monuments

                   With  my  colleague  Oleksandr  Svirchevsky,  I  went  there   by de Sellon himself. Only a few researchers are aware that it
                   to  photograph  this  unique  monument.  In  addition  to   is one of the most significant peace monuments in the history
                   commemorating the 1st congress of the Société de la Paix,   of Geneva and Europe.
                   the  obelisk  also  bears  a  message  about  how  to  safeguard   Evelina Rioukhina and Oleksandr Svirchevsky
                   general  and  permanent  peace.  We  saw  the  engravings,      Photos © Oleksandr Svirchevskyy
                   corresponding to the Henry Barnard’s description, as well
                   as others:
                   “La Société de la Paix fut fondée le 1er Décembre 1830 par J.-J.
                   de Sellon, citoyen de Genève, Comte du St Empire. Il consacra
                   ce monument à l’inviolabilité de la vie de l’homme l’an 1832.”
                   «Heureux  ceux  qui  procurent  la  paix  car  ils  seront  appellés
                   enfants de dieu.» «Dieu ne veut pas la mort du pécheur mais sa
                   conversion et sa vie.»

                   One  side  is  dedicated  to  the  kings  and  queens  who
                   advocated  peace  in  the  world  and  in  Europe,  and  were
                   opponents of the death penalty. There are also names of
                   politicians who dedicated their lives to peace in Germany,
                   Austria,  America,  and  Russia.  The  monument  mentions
                   important figures such as William Penn, Casimir Perrier,
                   Edward Livingston, Nicholas de Flue, William Wilberforce,
                   Elisabeth,  the  US  states  of  Maine  &  New  Hampshire
                   («ont aboli la peine de mort l’an 1837»), Duke Leopold of
                   Tuscany, Victor de Tracy, Charles Lucas, Cesare Beccaria,
                   Grohmann, Frederick Guillaume of Prussia, Henry IV of
                   France, the Duke of Sully, François Fenelon, and the Duke
                   of Sussex.

                   This monument can be visited today at the Cemetières des
                   Rois, but nobody seems to know that it is not a grave, but a
                   monument to non-violence and peace, conceived and erected

                   I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT   -   D I VA
                   I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT   -   D I VA
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