Page 19 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 19

P e a c e   m o n u m e n t s   o f   G e n e v a

                 capital punishment in his criminal code of Louisiana.  I  do  not  remember  seeing  the  obelisk,  or  hearing  anything
                 VICTOR  DE  TRACY-  who  proposed  to  the  French   about  it.  I  searched  the  archives,  and  although  the  obelisk
                 Chamber of Deputies, to substitute solitary confinement, for   was  mentioned,  references  seemed  to  vanish  after  a  certain
                 punishment by death.                            point.  Certainly, when the villa was acquired by the League of
                 WILBERFORCE - whose successful efforts to suppress the   Nations in 1937, the obelisk was no longer there. It was in the
                 Slave trade, rank him high among the friends of humanity.  villa in the 19th century, and then suddenly it seemed to vanish
                 CASIMIR  PERIER  -  late  prime  minister  of  France  -   without  a  trace.  I  searched  deeper,  to  discover  the  reason
                 distinguished  for  his  efforts  in  preserving  the  peace  of   behind this and find the obelisk, or at least an explanation for
                 Europe.                                         the disappearance of such a significant memorial.

                 On the fourth side of the obelisk is recorded the date of the   After much research, I came across some information of the
                 establishment of the Geneva Peace Society.      burial place of the Count de Sellon at the Cemetery of the
                 You may traverse Europe through, and find everywhere triumphal   Petit-Saconnex.  There  was  no  photo,  but  it  stated  that  his
                 arches, and monuments, and  inscriptions, but  you will seek in   commemorative  stone  is  in  the  form  of  an  obelisk.  Could
                 vain for a parallel to this-dedicated by individual liberality to   it be his peace monument? I immediately went to see, but
                 those men, who, in countries, widely separated, have laboured, to   searched the whole cemetery without finding it.
                 promote the cause of universal and permanent peace….”
                                                                 Where could it be? I researched further and learnt that it was
                 Reading those archives and descriptions was fascinating, but   at  the  Petit-Saconnex  Cemetery  only  until  2005  and  then
                 also bewildering.  Having often been to the Villa La Fenêtre,   removed.  Looking through many sources, I learnt that this
                                                                                       obelisk was in La Fenêtre until
                                                                                       1907,  70  years  after  the  death
                                                                                       of  de  Sellon,  and  only  then
                                                                                       transferred  to  Petit-Saconnex.
                                                                                       I  tried  to  search  further  about
                                                                                       why the family decided to move
                                                                                       it,  and  found  that  Count  de
                                                                                       Sellon was first buried near it, at
                                                                                       the Villa. The obelisk was one of
                                                                                       the most significant creations in
                                                                                       his life; it symbolized all his most
                                                                                       important  undertakings.  One
                                                                                       source even mentions that it was
                                                                                       in his own wish to be buried near
                                                                                       his peace monument, conceived
                                                                                       and erected by him.

                                                                                       The reason for his reburial him
                                                                                       remains unknown. It might also
                                                                                       be that during this transfer, an
                                                                                       additional engraving indicating
                                                                                       the death of de Sellon and his
                                                                                       wife  appeared  on  the  obelisk.
                                                                                       Left  in  the  Cemetery  of  Petit-
                                                                                       Saconnex  for  99  years,  it
                                                                                       doubtless became thought of as
                                                                                       no more than a gravestone, not
                                                                                       as  a  significant  historic  peace
               Photos: Oleksandr Svirchevsky                                           Eventually  I  found  where

                                                                                       it  is  today.  In  view  of  the
                                                                                       importance  of  de  Sellon,  it
                                                                                       was  decided  to  inaugurate  the
                                                                                       obelisk  at  the  Cemetery  des
                                                                                       Rois  at  the  Plainpalais,  which
                                                                                       has  many  graves  of  significant
                                                                                       and outstanding people.




                                                                            D I VA   -   I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT T

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