Page 15 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 15

P e a c e   m o n u m e n t s   o f   G e n e v a



                                                  of Geneva:



                                     at risk to be lost


                                tracing 200 years of peace actions in Geneva

                                        Evelina Rioukhina,     Evelina brings her co-writer Ryan
                                        former Deputy              Kennedy, with whom she has
                                        Editor-in-Chief         written and published numerous
                                        and Associate             articles, including one in Diva
                                        Editor of the           Magazine on International Peace
                                        former magazine      Day (Diva No. 2, 2018, pp34-35 “He
                                        UN Special will      believed that tomorrow will come”).
                                        be a new editor of
                                        Diva International
                                        Diplomat. She
                                        brings with
                                        her almost 25          She also brings her long-standing
                 years of experience in UN Special, maintaining       photo-partner Oleksands
                 international readers’ highest rating, as well as              Svirchevsky.
                 her peace and humanitarian initiatives, numerous
                 ideas, and projects. This year Diva International
                 Diplomat is particularly interested in one of these
                 – the Peace Monuments initiative, related to the   Diva International Diplomat
                 history of peace actions in Geneva. This issue is   welcomes them, and presents this
                 dedicated to this initiative.                          special issue on peace.

                                                                            D I VA   -   I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT
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