Page 16 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 16

“Blessed are the                                                                    Peace monuments
                                                                                                         of Geneva

                         200 years of peace actions in Geneva

                   The  100th  anniversary  of  multilateralism  in  Geneva  was   The 1830 1  Congress of the Society of Nations (1830) is generally
                   celebrated  by  the  Geneva  International  and  Diplomatic   believed to be the ‘ancestor’ of the League of Nations and the UN.
                   community throughout 2019, also marking the centenary of   However,  there are  archives  and monuments  showing earlier
                   the League of Nations. However, the coming year, 2020, is no   peace activities by, among others, Count Jean-Jacques de Sellon.
                   less significant.  In terms of peace it celebrates even older events,   De Sellon lived from 1782-1839, founded the first continental
                   and has a deeper “peace ancestry”.  To raise awareness of this,   European peace society, devoted himself to promoting peace and
                   we decided to highlight the earliest evidence of peace activities   arbitration between nations, and was also an ardent opponent of
                   in Geneva, which can be traced back for two centuries.   the death penalty.  A “Peace Column” with inscriptions about
                                                                   peace  and  peacemakers,  possibly  conceived  as  early  as  1816,
                   This  series  is  for  all  those  who  enjoy  reading,  researching   was found recently in one of his castles, and this extraordinary
                   and analysing history. It is also for all peace-defenders, and   discovery made me re-examine other peace monuments to see
                   peacemakers, because it recognizes their achievements with   what they might reveal.
                   the bicentenary of  peace action in Geneva.
                                                                   The  discovery  of  the  Peace  Column  is  itself  a  fascinating
                   The  long  history  of  Geneva  peace  movements  is  generally   event.  It was uncovered during the renovation works in de
                   thought to start with the 1  congress of the Société de la Paix,   Sellon’s Chateau d’Allaman, his main residence, also known
                   established in 1830 and convened soon after by Count Jean-  as the Peace Castle.  The Column was completely hidden for
                   Jacque de Sellon in his castle, Château Allaman, near Geneva.   almost a century, forgotten by all and not mentioned in any
                   However,  closer  study  reveals  that  Geneva  peace  activities   archive. It was discovered by the until-recent owner only a
                   started  earlier, and in Geneva itself.   I am therefore inviting   few years ago, in 2013, when an inside wall was broken open
                   all who like to ‘dig deeper’ to make a historic journey with me   as part of a renovation.  The Column had been hidden inside
                   through two centuries, but even those just wanting a check-  the walls, probably in 1939 at the outbreak of WWII, in order
                   list of Geneva peace events will quickly see that the landmark   to protect this valuable piece of peace heritage from potential
                   year was a decade earlier - 1820.               danger.

                   I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT   -   D I VA
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