Page 32 - DIVA3 2021_final_CORR_reduced
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                                                                          protagonist Razumov (a name derived from
                                                                          the Slavic word for “reason”) is an industrious
                                                                          and ambitious student in Sankt Peterburg – a
                                                                          self-made man aspiring a good public service.
                                                                          Yet, misled by Razumov’s industriousness and
                                                                          frank talk, a fellow student with revolutionary
                                                                          views,  who  has  just  killed  a  brutal  head  of
                                                                          police (story based on historical facts), runs
                                                                          to him for help to escape. Instead, after a night
                                                                          of torment, Razumov reports on his colleague
                                                                          to the police, which arrests the idealistic youth
                                                                          and  executes  him.  Next,  the  Tsarist  police
                                                                          recruits Razumov and sends him to Geneva to
                                                                          spy on the revolutionary emigree community,
                                                                          which  formed  there  at  the  beginning  of  the
                      The house on   who lived in an overcrowded boarding-house   twentieth century. In the book, that community
                      avenue de la   room with fresh mind and dignity.    includes the mother and sister of the executed
                       Roseraie 25,                                       youth.  Razumov’s  horrendous  dilemmas  are
                      where Joseph   Conrad came to Geneva for treatment at the   exacerbated  by  his  falling  in  love  with  the
                   Conrad stayed in   Champel  hydro-therapeutic  baths  on  four   sister of the boy he has betrayed. When the
                   1891, 1894, 1895   occasions:  in  1891,  1894,  1895,  and  1907.   psychological pressure makes him confess his
                   and 1907. Photo   Every time he stayed at the hôtel-pension La   traitorous act, the emigree community sends
                     by the author.  Roseraie, which still stands today at Avenue   its hitman (also a historical figure) to torture
                                   de la Roseraie 25. He had already finished a   and maim Razumov.
                                   sailing career and become a recognized writer,
                                   but his health was ailing, affected by the stress   Critics  see  in  this  novel  signs  of  Conrad’s
                                   he  had  endured,  nervous  breakdowns,  and   disdain for revolutionary activities. As in other
                                   a  tropical  disease  he  had  contracted  in  the   works, Conrad argues here that both tyranny
                                                                          and violent revolution are incapable of solving
                                                                          human  problems.  The  novel  is  intrinsically
                                   Geneva  and  La  Roseraie  proved  to  be   related to Russian history and experts discern
                                   propitious  for  Conrad’s  creativity.  It  was  in   in it the influence of Crime and Punishment.
                                   1907 at La Roseraie that he rapidly completed   Yet  for  Conrad,  in  general,  Dostoevsky  was
                                   his  first  novel  with  a  spy  plot  -  The  Secret   “too Russian” - something that shed a shadow
                                   Agent  –  a  story  set  in  London,  involving   on his opinion of other peoples’ concerns and
                                   terrorism, spies, and Russian diplomats. Most   dreams.
                                   importantly,  that  stay  in  Geneva  gave  him
                                   the  inspiration  and  the  setting  for  his  next   Conrad’s  works  stand  out  among  his
                                   novel – Under Western Eyes - one of his major   contemporary  British  and  other  writers
                                   works. Set in Sankt Peterburg and Geneva, a   with their practically global coverage – from
                                   psychodrama about an ordinary person who   Central  Africa  and  the  South  Chinese  Seas
                                   is recruited as a spy by a ruthless regime. The
                                                                          to the British Isles, Poland, and Geneva. In
                                                                          this  sense,  Conrad  can  rightfully  be  called
                        “Geneva and La Roseraie proved to be  a  forerunner  of  globalization.  Yet  Conrad’s
                    propitious for Conrad’s creativity. It was in         global  mobility  associated  him  to  another

                             1907 at La Roseraie that he rapidly          issue that he faced in his life and revealed in
                                                                          his works – the pain of exile. Under Western
                        completed his first novel with a spy plot  Eyes, like other Conrad’s works, contemplates
                    - The Secret Agent – a story set in London,           on the condition of exile in modern society.
                                        involving terrorism, spies,       Geneva,  the  meeting-place  of  the  hapless
                                                                          refugees  depicted  by  Conrad,  has  all  the
                                          and Russian diplomats. ”        cruelty of a place of exile, a cruelty not wilful,

                                                                               w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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