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                   Understanding a Colossal World Figure

                   Reflections in relation to

                   Mikhail Gorbachev’s 90th birthday.

                   By Michael S. Karlen

                   On March 2  Mikhail Gorbachev celebrated   is not honoured in his own country – this is  Receiving the
                   his 90  birthday. It is 30 years since his last   also true for Mikhail Gorbachev and Russia.  Nobel Prize
                   year  in  power  as  President  of  the  Soviet   But  a  growing  number  of  people  in  Russia,
                   Union.  By  that  time  much  of  the  Eastern   specially  from  the  younger  generations  are
                   European  landscape  had  changed,  Germany   turning  towards  Mikhail  Gorbachev  and
                   was  reunited,  the  Cold  War  had  ended  and   want  to  know  more  than  what  is  written
                   there  was  a  new  trust  and  cooperation  in   in  the  history  books  or  is  shown  on  TV.
                   international relation, led by better relations
                   between the US and the Soviet Union. Much   Mikhail Gorbachev is a fascinating personality,
                   of the credit for these unprecedented positive   a  towering  world  figure,  a  phenomenon
                   changes goes to Mikhail Gorbachev. In 1990   in  many  ways.  His  power  of  vision,  his
                   he  received  the  Nobel  Peace  Price.  Even   governing ideas, his integration of moral and
                   after  his  resignation  as  head  of  state  of  the   ethical values into politics were far ahead of
                   Soviet  Union  he  remained  hugely  popular   his  time.  The  book  “Essential  Thoughts”  by
                   in the West, right up to this day. A prophet   Mikhail Gorbachev gives a good insight into

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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