Page 23 - DIVA3 2021_final_CORR_reduced
P. 23

“Promote among all human beings the spirit of understanding,

                             tolerance and peaceful coexistence, to stimulate cooperation among
                             peoples and to help lessen obstacles and threats to world peace and

                              progress, in keeping with the noble aspirations proclaimed in the
                                                 Charter of the United Nations”

                   women  at  the  heart  of  the  action  for  peace  among  peoples  and  to  help  lessen  obstacles
                   building and conflict resolution. Very pleased  and  threats  to  world  peace  and  progress,  in
                   as  Moroccan  Delegation  to  promote  such  keeping with the noble aspirations proclaimed
                   action.”                               in the Charter of the United Nations” (Charter
                                                          of UPEACE, Resolution 35/55 of the United
                   For his part, Ambassador Ahmed Aljarman,  Nations  General  Assembly,  5  December
                   Permanent  Representative  of  the  U.A.E,  1980)
                   underlined that  “In line with UAE’s national
                   policy  on  women’s  empowerment,  we  have  The  Joint  Statement  was  delivered  under
                   made strong progress  to advance the women,  the  General  Debate  of  Item  3:  Promotion
                   peace  and  security  agenda  including,  the  and  protection  of  all  human  rights,  civil,
                   launch of the Sheikha Fatima Women, Peace  political, economic, social and cultural rights,
                   and Security Initiative and the launch of the  including  the  right  to  development,  during
                   UAE First National Action Plan in response  the 48  Regular Session of the Human Rights
                   to  UNSCR  1325  in  March  2021.  The  UAE  Council.
                   Mission to the UN continues to work with all
                   the missions on this important agenda.”

                   As for Ambassador David Fernandez Puyana,   “The initiative is in line with the will and the
                   Permanent  Observer  of  the  University
                   for  Peace  (UPEACE),  he  noted  that  this   need to work communally and actively to build
                   innovative  interregional  initiative  is  in  peace and security, based on relationships
                   line  with  the  objectives  of  UPEACE  which   between people and opportunities, by putting
                   works to “promote among all human beings
                   the  spirit  of  understanding,  tolerance  and   women at the heart of the action for peace
                   peaceful coexistence, to stimulate cooperation  building and conflict resolution. ”

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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