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addressed remains due to the geopolitical “Human Dignity is the Source
influence exercised by Northern States, noting
in particular that “The Commission on Human of All Human Rights”
Rights failed miserably in 2003 and 2004 when
it refused to appoint a commission of inquiry
for Guantanamo”. States’ voting records follow
clear lines of political demarcation that block
progress in addressing violations of which they Indigenous children from our homes and
themselves are the perpetrators. Distorted or communities to torture, brutalize, and
false histories and denial continue to deprive dehumanize us, then concealed and destroyed
Indigenous Peoples of their rights and dignity documents, records and files of their misdeeds
among nations as well as reparations for the that have never been disclosed. As a survivor
genocides committed against them. Instead, I want the United Nations human rights and
human rights have become a tool used by humanitarian mechanisms to fully address
powerful states to pressure and weaken their these crimes against humanity and genocide;
adversaries, fomenting political strife and to restore our rightful status among the
encouraging uprisings against their leaders nations and peoples; to provide reparations
in an effort to impose regime change by all and damages and to restore our homeland
the tools of their foreign policy. The Human by repealing the apartheid law and policy by
Rights Council will lose all credibility if it revoking and repealing the effect of the 1492
fails to address this kind of blatant double Papal Bulls. “
standards in human rights.
John Shipton
Father of Julian Assange’
Panelist John Shipton, father
of Julian Assange, journalist
and publisher, addressed how
Assange has been held in
Belmarsh maximum security
prison under arbitrary detention
in violation of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, Conventions on Asylum and
of human rights standards in the Council of
Europe. Julian Assange has spent over a decade
in detention for exposing war crimes without
Alice Aby Ekanaawaaki any UN human rights body addressing the
Residential School Eye-Witness Survivor violation of his rights. Due process was
Testimony trashed, and the malfeasance and misfeasance
Panelist Alice Aby – Ekanaawaaki is a 7-year committed by both the United Kingdom
residential school survivor of St. Joseph’s Crown Prosecuting Service and the Swedish
Mission “Residential School” established Prosecuting Authority has been documented.
in 1867, and eyewitness to its practices. The An exacting review by Nils Melser, Professor
Canadian institutions/prisons were created of Law at Glasgow University and United
by statutory law and policy and enforced by Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture,
the government by its North-West Mounted revealed how Julian has been a victim of
Police created in 1873 (now called the Royal deliberate psychological torture over years,
Canadian Mounted Police) and operated and characterized it as “slow motion murder
by the Christian churches that facilitated a before our very eyes.” Our noble task is to
governmental assimilation strategy against free Julian Assange - and thereby restore the
Indigenous Peoples that is tantamount to prestige and deliberations of what could be a
crimes against humanity and genocide. She truly magnificent civil structure, the United
noted: “the colonizing state forcibly removed Nations.
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h