Page 16 - DIVA3 2021_final_CORR_reduced
P. 16
The Supreme Court of India has been seized pandemics. India has been actively engaged
with the issue and has ordered that the with the WHO as well as other health-related
implementation of the three Farm Acts be organizations in Geneva, like GAVI.
kept in abeyance, which has been accepted
by the Government. The Supreme Court has As the Chair of the Executive Board of WHO,
constituted a Committee to look into the we have ensured that the necessary guidance is
grievances of farmers. The Government has provided to the WHO. We continue to engage
repeatedly assured farmers that the existing with all the stakeholders in the ongoing process
system of public procurement at minimum of strengthening and reforming WHO. We have
support price and operation of government- presented a detailed memoir to the Independent
regulated agricultural markets will continue. Panel on Pandemic Preparedness and Response
and shared our experiences with them.
The Government has reiterated its
commitment to engage the organizations, India has a permanent seat at the Governing
representing farmers in dialogue and suspend Board of ILO and our priority has been
the implementation of the three Farm Acts to make the ILO Supervisory structures
following the orders of the Supreme Court. and processes more transparent, fair and
The two Houses of Parliament have been democratic. India is also the current Chair of
seized of the matter and have been engaged in the Governing Body of ILO, which has placed
debate over the issues raised by the farmers. us in a position to steer the ongoing process
to achieve these objectives in coordination
Beyond the Human Rights Council, what are with other stakeholders. We believe that ILO
the priorities for India in the international should play an important role in providing
organizations in Geneva? technical guidance and necessary support
The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the during the post-pandemic phase of socio-
global unpreparedness to handle pandemics economic recovery and rebuilding.
of this scale and nature. Health Diplomacy
has come to occupy an important role in India and ITU maintain excellent bilateral
multilateral diplomacy. We believe that the multilateral cooperation. India has been a
World Health Organization (WHO), which member of ITU since its inception and is
has been making significant contribution in currently serving as an elected member of ITU’s
international cooperation in the health sector, Governing Council during the 2019-2022 term.
including technical assistance and capacity As a specialized agency of the UN, ITU sets the
building, must be reformed, strengthened and regulatory framework for telecom and other
better equipped and financed to assist Member relevant technologies. India has been actively
States in dealing with health emergencies like participating in the discussions in expert
w w w . d i v a i n t e r n a t i o n a l . c h
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h