Page 15 - DIVA3 2021_final_CORR_reduced
P. 15
We are living in quite usual times, when a gear to over 150 countries, mostly as grants.
virus causing Covid-19 is changing our lives. We have supplied around 66 million doses of
How is the situation today in your country in vaccines to around 80 countries.
these pandemic times?
The pandemic has caused unforeseen We have heard about the farmers’ strike in
disruptions and has posed enormous and India. Could you tell us about it and what
unprecedented socio-economic challenges. the situation is now?
No country has remained untouched. India The Government of India has set the goal of
is passing through a severe second wave of doubling the income of farmers by 2022 and
infection. As of 3 May 2021, India had 3.41 the reforms carried out through three Farm
million active cases, which has strained the Acts, passed by the Indian Parliament in 2020.
country’s health infrastructure and services. There has been debate within India on the need
While 16.29 million had recovered, 219,000 for carrying out reforms in the mechanisms
people had died. By this date, 157 million and institutions for the marketing of agro-
doses of vaccines had been administered. produce since the beginning of economic
reforms in India in the 1990s.
India’s Covid-19 strategy has been based on
the mantra of ‘Jaan bhi, Jahan bhi’ – saving The three Farm Acts were passed by the
lives as well as livelihoods. Continuing on the Parliament of India, after protracted debates
path to ramping up our capacities, securing the both inside and outside Parliament, with
needs of poorest citizens and future proofing the sole purpose of creating a conducive
our society, India was among the first few environment for farmers to realize better
countries in enforcing a responsive system of prices for their produce and, thereby, enhance
lockdowns and in launching public awareness their income and lead a better life.
campaigns about social distancing and the use
of face masks. We have been able to upscale In line with India’s well entrenched
our health infrastructure, including Covid democratic traditions, including resolution of
hospitals, ICU capacities and testing facilities. differences through dialogue and discussion,
Further, fulfilling the basic needs and welfare the Government has shown utmost respect
of the most vulnerable sections of our society for protest by some farmers, which is limited
has been our top priority. to a few States in India. The Government
has remained engaged in dialogue with the
India has always been in the forefront when organizations representing protesting farmers
it comes to global cooperation, and as always, in order to find a mutually acceptable solution.
India played a pivotal role through supply of It has offered clause-by clause discussion over
essential medicines, test kits and protection the three Farm Acts.
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h