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                   groups to frame global standards for application  the  economic  opportunities  and  benefits
                   of  various  technologies.  Our  “Digital  India  for  developing  countries  and  ensuring  the
                   Programme” closely aligns with ITU’s objectives  success of the 15  Ministerial Conference of
                   and policies. It seeks to transform India into a  UNCTAD later this year in Barbados.
                   digitally empowered society by ensuring robust
                   ICT  infrastructure  and  Internet  connectivity.  Can you tell us how your country reconciles
                   India’s  indigenous  5G  mobile  technology  tradition  and  modernization  with  the
                   has  been  accepted  by  ITU  as  a  part  of    the  development of technology?
                   International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT  India is an example of continuity with change.
                   2020)  global  standards.  It  significantly  brings  The  ancient  Indian  civilizational  traditions,
                   down  the  cost  of  5G  mobile  services,  making  ethos and values continue to co-exist alongside
                   it suitable for use in rural areas where around  modern values and traditions. Historically, India
                   60 per cent of India’s population resides. It will  has been exposed to external religious, cultural
                   help in bridging the digital divide and promote  and other influences and has shown its unique
                   digital inclusion.                     capacity to assimilate and integrate them, while
                                                          maintaining  its  own  traditions  and  values.
                   India  will  be  hosting  the  “World  Tele-  Since independence, Indian society has become
                   communication  standardization  Assembly”  more  inclusive,  integrated  and  progressive.  It
                   (WTSA-2022) at Hyderabad from 28 February  has adapted to modern values and ethos while
                   to  11  March  2022.  The  WTSA  is  held  every  continuing with its several millennia old religious
                   four years and sets international standards for  and  cultural  traditions.  Indians  have  adjusted
                   information and communication technologies.   to new ways of living their lives, using modern
                                                          technologies  without  upending  the  traditional
                   India has endeavoured to emerge as the global  ways  of    living.  A  digital  transformation  of
                   hub for innovation and, as a part of its goal  Indian society is underway.
                   of  creating  an  appropriate  ecosystem  for
                   innovation, India has focused on improving the  Finally,  your  Excellency,  is  there  any  one
                   structures and processes for implementation  UN organization in Geneva that you have a
                   of  its  intellectual  property  obligations.  In  special interest in, personally?
                   realizing  this  goal,  India  has  been  working  India, which is the world’s second most populated
                   closely  with  the  World  Intellectual  Property  country, has the second largest workforce of the
                   Organization (WIPO) and will strengthen its  world.  Over  15  million  Indians  also  live  and
                   engagement with WIPO in the future.    work in various countries. I have been closely
                                                          interacting  with  the  International  Labour
                   India will also continue to engage intensively  Organization (ILO) with a view to promoting
                   with  UNCTAD  with  a  view  to  maximizing  the welfare of India’s large workforce.

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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