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performance of United Nations bodies and
organs by ceasing to grant disproportionate
time and resources toward addressing human
rights violations put forward by countries of
the North, acting in pursuit of their geopolitical
interests. We call for more attention to be
given to address the human rights violations
occurring in Alaska, Hawaii, Kashmir,
and among Indigenous peoples in Canada
and elsewhere, including in particular the
discovery of children’s graves at the residential
schools in Canada and North America, as
Indigenous populations by violence against well as to the plight of Julian Assange and
women and social engineering, leading to a protection of freedom of the press.
high suicide rate. Bullets are not needed to
commit genocide. An Alaska psychiatrist has Are the countries of the
observed that Alaska Indigenous suffer the South willing to devote
symptoms of prisoners of war. Faced with the necessary time and
the statement of a former Alaska governor resources to confront
that democracy does not apply to Alaska the disproportionate
Indigenous, she affirmed that Alaska’s process of addressing
Indigenous express their political will to human rights violations as
pursue its international status through the promoted by the North?
Alaska Inter-Tribal Council and the National Assessing the imbalance
Congress of American Indian resolutions. must include reviewing
acts of aggression and
H.E. Leon Siu, intimidation at all phases
Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Hawaii of human rights within the
Leon Siu reiterated that not only are double UN system itself, including
standards a systemic part of the UN but they at the General Assembly,
are based on the human rights standards and Security Council and at
customs of European civilization, which have the Economic and Social
become the pervasive and entrenched mode Council, within the Human Rights Council
of viewing the same around the world. The and its special procedures and mechanisms
challenge is to convince the world to change and within the OHCHR itself. We call for
its mode of doing things. He proposed the a review of the UN’s double standards in
development of a whole new paradigm based addressing human rights and an end to the
on Indigenous and ethnic cultural values with resultant appearance of racist domination in
which we can better address the rule of law, and order that all victims of human rights abuses
human and civil rights, etc. He pointed out that are enabled to seek remedy from a position of
when the Indigenous Peoples of the Kingdom equality. We suggest, inter alia, that the Human
of Hawaii submit evidence of the violations Rights Council call for the CERD to accept
of our human rights, no actions are taken. He petitions pursuant to Article 15 of ICERD
called for the annulment of General Assembly with an admissibility provision calling for the
resolution 1469 of 12 December 1959 with a General Assembly to adopt a resolution to
view to fully addressing the illegal overthrow accept its recommendations. Our organizations
and occupation of the Kingdom of Hawaii. will continue to lobby Member States and to
request that serious consideration be given to
IHRAAM, USHRN and IPNC issued its review and implement these observations and
Observations and Recommendations of the recommendations.
meeting with the request that its findings
be addressed with a view to improving the Ambassador Ronald F. Barnes
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h