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Interview with
Michael S. Karlen
the author of the book “Michail
Gorbachev: Essential Thoughts”
By Marit Fosse and Evelina Rioukhina
Michael S. Karlen, a Swiss national, lived of warmth and goodwill. Quite extraordinary.
and studied in Zurich during the time of It was a very relaxed meeting that gave me a
Gorbachev’s Perestroika. During the early very good insight into the person of Mikhail
2000s he worked for the Permanent Mission Gorbachev.
of Switzerland to the United Nations in
Geneva and in 2005 he became Secretary- What is the main message you are
General of the non-profit Comprehensive passing through your book? Is it for
Dialogue among Civilizations (CDAC), current or for future generations?
founded by former UNOG Director-General I had three clear goals for the book:
Vladimir Petrovsky and based in Geneva. 1. To capture the essential thoughts and
Karlen currently lives and works as an editor message of Mikhail Sergeyvich Gorbachev
in Geneva with regular visits to Moscow and which I believe are timeless, universal and of
New York. vital importance for humanity in the years
and decades to come. The book should help
How did it happen that you decided to write to keep these very high ideas, ideals and
a book about Gorbachev? Where did you values alive and promote them among the
meet him? Tell us about your first meeting. new generations and particularly among the
What impression did you get of him? leaders;
Mikhail Gorbachev wrote the forward for a 2. To let people discover the personality behind
book that I edited about Vladimir Petrovsky, the headlines, the thoughts, the feelings, the
former UNOG Director-General (1993-2002) dreams, the motivations of Mikhail Gorbachev
and Deputy Foreign Minister under Gorbachev – revealed in his own words; and
during the Perestroika years. I wrote him a 3. To create a book that is attractive and
heartfelt Thank You letter which he liked and inviting for todays public which wants to
which somehow opened the doors. The first get everything quick and clear and in small
meeting in December 2015 was maybe the best portions. This was done in selecting short,
of the several meetings I had. We brought the concise passages from his writings, many
first copy of the Petrovsky book to him in his historical photographs, short commentaries
office and he took time to sit down for more by historians, politicians and also students of
than an hour and talk about his life. It was that time. All is arranged in a modern layout.
fascinating. He emanated a permanent stream
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h