Page 25 - DIVA3 2021_final_CORR_reduced
P. 25


                   Were  you  in  close  contact  with  Mr  How does he remember his visit to Geneva
                   Gorbachev  while  writing  the  book?  for  the  summit,  the  summit  with  Ronal
                   Are  you  in  close  contact  with  him  now?  Reagan that was the beginning of the end to
                   I  met  Mikhail  Gorbachev  several  times  in  the Cold War?
                   mostly  informal  settings  over  the  last  few  I let him speak for himself (from the “Essential
                   years. I also worked very closely with Karen  Thoughts”  book):  “In  Geneva,  it  was  not
                   Karagezyan  and  Vladimir  Polyakov  of  the  possible to find solutions to the key problems of
                   Gorbachev Foundation. Both have been with  ending the arms race and strengthening peace.
                   the “President” since the time in the Kremlin.   But even then, in the autumn of 1985, and long
                   Since  the  Pandemic  Mikhail  Gorbachev  has  after, I believed and still believe that the meeting
                   been  isolated  in  a  Clinic  and  there  is  very  was  necessary  and  useful.  The  international
                   limited contact with the “outside world”. Even  situation was becoming too alarming because
                   on his recent 90  birthday he remained at the  of the arms race, too many fables were involved
                   clinic and was connected through Zoom to his  in this regard. There was a need to dispel this
                   team at the Foundation.                fog,  to  verify  the  words  by  deeds.  Anything

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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