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and nature. All the rest derives from that. “Imagine that an alien space-
We therefore must first change ourselves,
through self-education and multidisciplinary, ship approached Earth and
worldwide, and cross-generational interaction.
And, having changed ourselves, we must come sent the message: ‘Take me to
together in all our diversity to build a new world.”
your leader.’ Who would that
In the transition to a new paradigm of
human existence it is critical that we find a be? Without doubt, Mikhail
way to bring about rapid, sweeping change of
human consciousness and actions worldwide. Sergeyevich Gorbachev.”
Consciousness is the main problem, because
it will affect politics, business, the legislative New York Times editorial, May 21, 1989
process and culture.
We need to bridge the gap between our
consciousness and the challenges of our time.
“Today a new perestroika is needed, a individual that will allow a new civilization to
perestroika of the mind. We need a philosophical flourish on Earth.”
As for Idealism...
Individual responsibility “As for idealism and visionary thinking, I
“Today it is my dream that every aware think no politician can do without an ideal, a
citizen should be ‘a president of the Earth’ and dream, without passion and a plan. I assure
take responsibility for its fate upon himself or you that starry-eyed naive dreaminess is not
herself.” And he continues, “it is time for every a characteristic of Gorbachev. My ‘idealism’
person and every nation to rethink their role comes down to my belief in human dignity and
in global development. Everyone needs to be in freedom and progress as the fundamental
involved. Everyone has a role to play. And it and guiding values of human life. No more than
is the personal involvement of each and every that - but no less either.”
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h