Page 22 - DIVA3 2021_final_CORR_reduced
P. 22
Morocco, Bahrain, the
United Arab Emirates
and Israel submitted
to the Human
Rights Council in Geneva a joint
declaration on the role of women
in peace and diplomacy
On Wednesday 22 September during the stemming from the deep rooted values of
48th session of the Human Rights Council, the Bahraini society, the vision of its wise
Ambassador Yusuf Abdulkarim Bucheeri of leadership, and its pioneering experience
Bahrain delivered a Joint Statement on behalf in the field of peaceful coexistence and
of the Kingdom of Bahrain, the United Arab religious tolerance”, affirmed in this occasion,
Emirates, Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco Ambassador Yusuf Abdulkarim Bucheeri,
as well as the University for Peace and 60+ Permanent Representative of Bahrain.
countries, on the role of Women in Peace and
Diplomacy. For her part, Ambassador Meirav Eilon
Shahar, Israel’s Permanent Representative to
The statement, a “Joint Statement on Women, the United Nations in Geneva said that “this
Peace and Diplomacy” reaffirmed women’s Joint Statement is the first formal initiative in
fundamental role in peace processes and the multilateral arena between Israel, Bahrain,
conflict prevention, and called on all states to the U.A.E. and Morocco. I am especially
strongly commit to ensuring the advancement pleased that the important issue of women in
of women in preventive diplomacy and peace peace processes is the focus of this statement
building. and I believe that it is testament to the new
dynamic we want to promote in our region
“This joint statement is consistent with the and beyond.”
distinguished Bahraini experience in terms of
empowering Bahraini women and enhancing Ambassador Omar Zniber, Permanent
their leading role in laying the foundation Representative of Morocco, for his part, added
for international peace and security through that “The initiative is in line with the will and
their remarkable and renowned diplomatic the need to work communally and actively to
presence in international fora. Moreover, build peace and security, based on relationships
it conveys an important message of peace between people and opportunities, by putting
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h