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A Call to Address the UN’s
Double Standards in Human Rights
The International Human Rights Association of American Minorities (IHRAAM), the United
States Human Rights Network (USHRN) and the Indigenous Peoples and Nations Coalition
(IPNC) convened a Panel at the Geneva Press Club on 22 June 2021 entitled Consultation on
Double Standards in Human Rights – Towards Cooperation and Improving International Relations
to call attention to the persistent application of double standards at the Human Rights Council
when addressing human rights violations of the countries of the North and the South, or between
the developed and undeveloped countries. You can review the meeting at this website:
The 7 main speakers and two additional speakers highlighted the panel’s concerns that human
rights issues raised by the states of the North are addressed in the context of a conventional
acceptance that North States themselves commit few or no human rights violations. They
expressed the concern that North State violations rarely are addressed by the Human Rights
Council’s Item 4 (country specific situations) and item 10 (technical services) that require the
Council’s attention. This disparity between the focus on human rights issues of concern to
the North and those concerning States in the South represents an ongoing exercise in double
standards and is continually reflected in the Council’s refusal to address concerns such as those
raised by the following 7 main speakers, highlighted here.
H. E. Ambassador 1469 of 12 December 1959 which legitimized
Ronald F. Barnes, the apartheid regime implemented by the
Moderator United States of America.
International Status of
Ambassador Ronald F.
Barnes addressed the
international legal and
political status of Alaska
with reference to Article
73 of the Charter of the
United Nations, pointing
out that the United Nations upheld apartheid
in Alaska by refusing to examine the United
States of America Supreme Court decision
determining that the land in Alaska is for the
settlement of the white race (Tee-Hit-Ton v.
United States of America, 1955) and that “the Alfred de Zayas
superior genius of Europe might claim an Former Independent Expert on the
ascendency” (Johnson v McIntosh, (21 U.S. Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable
(8 Wheat.) 543, 1823). He cited independent International Order
Expert Alfred de Zayas’ condemnation Alfred de Zayas stated that while the United
of the resultant apartheid regime that has Nations created the Universal Declaration
disempowered the Indigenous Peoples in of Human Rights and several international
Alaska [and Hawaii], who called in his Memo instruments to address human rights violations,
for annulling General Assembly resolution a double standard as to which situations are
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h