Page 14 - DIVA3 2021_final_CORR_reduced
P. 14
“We support Council first met in January 1946, only 51 and protection, we have been of the view that
States were Members of the UN. Today, there the human rights agenda must be pursued
the view that
are 193. The world has changed significantly in in a fair manner with objectivity, respect for
the Human the last 75 years. The UN, unfortunately, is still national sovereignty and territorial integrity,
Right’s stuck in 1945. The leaders of the world came non-interference in internal affairs of States,
together in 2005 and called for early reform of non-selectivity and transparency.
the Security Council. Fifteen years have since
should passed, but there has been no progress. Our emphasis remains on both promotion,
adhere to that entails support for capacity building and
If we look at the performance of the UN in protection of human rights, which is to be
its mandate, the last 75 years, we find that while it has pursued through dialogue, consultation and
established indeed prevented the outbreak of another consensus-building. We also emphasize the
World War, it has failed to adapt itself to new primacy of national responsibility and efforts
rules of
challenges and to a changing world order. in realization of human rights. We support the
procedure An expansion of the Security Council, in view that the Human Right’s Council should
and standard both the Permanent and non-Permanent adhere to its mandate, established rules of
categories, is indispensable to making this procedure and standard practices. We have
practices.“ body more representative, legitimate and highlighted the importance of cooperation
effective. The sad reality is that while the with Member States, upon request, through
overwhelming majority of UN Member States capacity building, technical cooperation and
firmly supports the comprehensive reform financial assistance.
of the Security Council, a handful of status-
quoists have consistently opposed any change. We advocate a holistic and integrated approach
An immediate and time-bound text-based that emphasizes the interdependence,
negotiation is critical. That’s what we have interrelatedness, indivisibility and universality
called for and will continue to pursue. We of human rights. In order to restore the balance
will be working with like-minded partners between political and civil rights vis-à-vis
and look at options to overcome the obstacles economic, social and cultural rights, India
in our pursuit of this goal. India is not just a has been emphasizing the full and effective
member of the G4, it is also a core member of enjoyment of economic and social rights and
the L69, a group of developing countries from the Right to Development.
Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific.
India has affirmed the interrelationship between
India represents the voice of one-sixth development, human rights, democracy, and
of humanity and has always championed international cooperation. As a member of the
the cause of the developing world. As a Human Rights Council, we aim to bring in a
country that has always believed in dialogue, pluralistic, moderate and balanced perspective
committed to rule of law and championed a to straddle various divides or differences that
fair and equitable world order, India can offer exist in the Council. Our democratic credentials,
an alternative voice and vision to global peace multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multilingual and
and security. Within the Council, India will multicultural nature makes us an ideal country
not only be a bridge-builder, but our presence to adopt this approach.
will also bring much-needed credibility and
transparency to Council deliberations. The human rights agenda continues to face
severe challenges, most of all from terrorism.
India is the world’s biggest democracy and The ongoing pandemic has aggravated
your country is an active member of the the challenges faced by the countries in
Human Right’s Council. What are your implementing their human rights obligations.
priorities in this field, generally, and for this At the same time, the Council, like other
year, in particular? multilateral institutions and mechanisms,
While India remains committed to upholding needs to be reformed to be able to deal with
basic human rights and their global promotion the contemporary challenges effectively.
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h