Page 13 - DIVA3 2021_final_CORR_reduced
P. 13


                   India’s achievements should be assessed in the  As  you  are  aware,  India  is  a  multi-ethnic,
                   light of the challenges, which we faced at the  multi-religious, multilingual and multicultural
                   time of our independence due to two centuries  country. It is home to almost all religions of the
                   of subjugation and colonial exploitation, and  world, and secularism has been a fundamental
                   the challenges that we have been facing since  tenet of India’s Constitution and its democratic
                   due to our geo-strategic environment, the Cold  polity. Equal respect for all religions has been
                   War and contemporary global challenges, such  an article of faith for Indian civilization and
                   as climate change and terrorism.       society.  The  people  of  India  are  entitled  to
                                                          freedom of conscience and enjoy the right to
                   The  Indian  Constitution  has  enshrined  freely profess, practice and propagate religion,
                   basic human rights as fundamental rights,  subject only to public order, morality, health
                   including the right to religious freedom and  and other such provisions as laid down in the
                   education.  Would  you  say  that  India  was  Constitution. They have the right to conserve
                   ahead of its time?                     their distinct language, script or culture. The
                   The  makers  of  India’s  Constitution  were  fact that the number of the followers of various
                   visionaries who were influenced by the ideals  religions in India has continued to grow since
                   that inspired India’s struggle for freedom from  independence  is,  in  itself,  a  testimony  that
                   colonial  rule.  They  were  also  aware  of  the  the  people  of  India  have  been  enjoying  the
                   principal elements of human rights set out in  freedom of religion or belief guaranteed under
                   the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  the Indian constitution. Our Constitution has
                   Civil and political rights as well as economic,  served us well, as reflected in the success of
                   social  and  cultural  rights  were  enshrined  in  our democratic and inclusive polity.
                   our Constitution. There are several identical
                   features  between  the  fundamental  rights  India is currently a member of the United
                   enshrined  in  India’s  Constitution  and  the  Nations  Security  Council.  However,  India,
                   Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For  has  also  been  seeking  a  permanent  seat
                   instance, key human rights, such as equality  at  the  Council.  How  does  India’s  current
                   before law, non-discrimination on grounds of  (short-term) membership affect this effort,
                   religion, race and sex, freedom of speech and  and why is it so important for India to be a
                   expression, right to life and liberty and judicial  permanent member?
                   remedy against violation of rights have all been  The UN has been in existence for over 75 years
                   provided for in the Indian Constitution.  now. However, the structure of the UN Security
                                                          Council is a classic example of the reluctance
                   How has the Indian Constitution borne the  to reform the architecture of a UN body that
                   test of time, particularly in its guarantee of  is reflective of an outdated geopolitical, post-
                   religious freedom?                     war construct of the 1940s. When the Security

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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