Page 8 - DIVA3 2021_final_CORR_reduced
P. 8
“My work will not stop, God willing, is important for a person. But the truth is the
passion that makes me happy from inside and
once I have left. It must continue and it is indeed my first hobby is my work that I
move forward.” practice with great happiness because my
work is based on making others happy. In
this life, achieving true happiness is when you
man acting alone. I also head the Center for make others happy (and I really mean true
Responsible Leadership, an organization that happiness) because happiness can be false,
brings together global thought leaders to superficial, temporary or illusory.
seek practical solutions to global challenges.
One of our core values is that leaders should I have been very happy that my work team is
make decisions based on thorough, unbiased very homogeneous and constitutes a family
research and sound analysis, taking into with all the meaning of the word family. I feel
account their country’s national values and that they are just like me, happy to work like
shared human values, as well as compliance me and also proud of this work.
with international laws and standards, and
also based on international comparisons I have the unique opportunity to meet
and past historical comparisons. It is very and interact with people from different
important to learn from history in all things, backgrounds and to work and partner
and to constantly work to update decisions as with amazing and brilliant religious and
necessary. Standing still is a mistake and is a governmental and community leaders as well
waste of opportunities. Most of the mistakes as academics and professors, to learn about
of responsible leaders come from detachment their culture and community and to talk with
from reality, which they must understand fully our youth around the world. My wish is that
without deceiving themselves or others. Most my grandchildren and future generations
of their mistakes also come from complacency will have more opportunities and understand
in the precautions that must be taken before the values of cooperation, coexistence, and
making decisions. They also come from a compassion, and that is what I strive for every
lack of proper foresight, and this sometimes day.
involves fateful strategic plans, or from a
rush to achieve quick goals at the expense of But when I finish my work every night, I need
sustainable ones. Those who do this often only to read and continue learning because I love
care about giving misleading information or philosophy, art, science, history, and culture
results, especially to voters. in general, whether it comes from the Islamic
world, the Western world, the Eastern world
My work will not stop, God willing, once I have or anywhere else. God has blessed us with an
left. It must continue and move forward. We have indescribable diversity in this world, it is truly
an incredible and talented group of individuals a divine blessing. Getting to know the global
in the Muslim World League who understand community that we live in and all its peoples
the issues and are firmly committed to ensuring and beliefs is one of the most enjoyable
that our goals are met. We also work with a moments for me.
number of partners and allies around the world
to implement a number of different initiatives. And if you want to talk about interests outside
Our aspirations to create a better future can only of work, I’m very interested in sports, especially
be realized by uniting and working together to walking and running and soccer, and I enjoy
achieve our common goals. traveling out of town on the weekends, and of
course there’s a following of certain satellite
Finally, Your Excellency, you travel all over channels and social media outlets, and of
the world and it seems to me that you are very course some of what’s posted there is also of
busy, but when you have free time, what do interest to me in my work.
you like to do? Do you have time for a hobby?
There is no doubt that the practice of hobbies
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h