Page 7 - DIVA3 2021_final_CORR_reduced
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and terrorists are a very small minority of the  the true and moderate principles of Islam. We
                   world’s  1.8  billion  Muslims  who  completely  use our social media platforms to educate and
                   disavow  and  condemn  such  perverse  acts.  inform our millions of followers from around
                   Over  the  past  few  decades,  extremists  and  the  world  about  the  values  of  Islam.  These
                   false  flag  carriers  of  Islam  have  carried  out  values focus on cooperation, empathy, peace
                   attacks in France, the United States, the United  and coexistence. This is not only important for
                   Kingdom, Germany, Spain and other Western  our efforts, but also for our role as a leading
                   countries. However, the majority of terrorist  organization in Islam.
                   attacks have been perpetrated against Muslims
                   and Muslim majority countries. These heinous  Therefore, I think there is a lot of information
                   and  despicable  crimes  have  received  much  about the true meaning of Islam if everyone
                   media attention in the West.           would  open  their  eyes,  ears  and  hearts.  For
                                                          example,  when  I  led  a  high-level  Muslim
                   Unfortunately,  violence  is  often  the  only  delegation  to  Auschwitz  in  2019,  some
                   thing many in the West know or hear about  people,  especially  within  the  Islamic  world,
                   Muslims.  It  is  the  duty  of  the  international  were  surprised  by  this  important  trip.  They
                   media  to  present  a  balanced  picture  of  should not have been surprised because the
                   Muslims to accurately reflect our culture as a  Holocaust is a heinous crime that shook the
                   whole. In reality, Islam represents a vast and  conscience of the world and left a harsh and
                   diverse  group  of  culturally  rich  people  who  unforgettable impact. As I said earlier, anyone
                   make  vital  contributions  to  their  national  who  denies  the  Holocaust  in  the  name  of
                   societies. They include teachers, public sector  Islam or tries to minimize the importance of
                   employees, firefighters, police officers, doctors,  the Nazi atrocities is in fact falsifying history
                   scientists, technicians, engineers, etc. We are  and committing a crime against Islam on the
                   not a caricature and we ask everyone to take a  other hand. This is the real Islam, far from any
                   closer look at the enriching diversity that goes  other ideologically motivated concepts, false
                   under the name of «Islam» or «Muslim» and  illusions or false theories.
                   to look beyond the terminology to the people
                   themselves.                            You also work in the field of counter-terrorism
                                                          and  improving  people’s  lives  in  general,
                   One of the main tasks of the Muslim World  especially  regarding  women’s  rights,  how  do
                   League  and  the  Organization  of  Muslim  you find the time to do all this?
                   Scholars  is  to  correct  misconceptions  about  You  must  be  passionate  about  what  you
                   Islam  and  to  constantly  communicate  with  do  and  I  am  very  interested  in  all  of  these
                   religious  leaders,  scientists,  academics,  tasks.  However,  our  work  at  the  Muslim
                   media, «government» and «non-government»  World  League  and  the  Organization  of
                   officials in the West and elsewhere to discuss  Muslim  Scholars  cannot  be  done  by  one

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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