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and discrimination, especially women and principles. Even the Supreme Judicial Council “Indeed,
children. of the Kingdom does not interfere in judicial
decisions and its work is limited only to the the first
This is what I do every day in the duties functional affairs of the judges, prerogatives articles of
assigned to me, as I have the honor of meeting clearly provided for by the Law on the the Law
and building bridges of understanding with Judiciary and which have nothing to do with
my brothers and sisters of other religions and their judicial work. Their work is something on the
beliefs. I have a platform that allows me to reach else and it is completely independent, and this Judiciary in
millions of people and allows me to directly is what has empowered the judges. Indeed, the the Kingdom
confront hateful, racist, violent thinkers first articles of the Law on the Judiciary in the
and their rhetoric. I have the opportunity to Kingdom established this wonderful principle. established
reach out to threatened communities around As far as human rights in the Kingdom are this
the world to show them that we care. With concerned, two bodies, one governmental and
every conversation, meeting, initiative, visit, one non-governmental, are responsible for wonderful
and program, I have the opportunity to this matter, and both of them are doing their principle.“
promote peace, coexistence, empathy, and the job properly. In addition, the Shura Council in
application of the values that have made me the Kingdom has control over the work of the
the person I am now. official bodies. It monitors their performance
and issues effective reports in this regard.
What about your role when you were Minister
of Justice? Did you contribute to that role? You were recently awarded an honorary degree
The work of the Ministry of Justice in the from the United Nations University of Peace
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is to provide logistical for your outstanding work in peacemaking
services to the judiciary, in particular securing and understanding between peoples. What
court buildings and notary departments does this recognition mean to you and how
dedicated to the notarization of contracts, will it support your work?
powers of attorney, marriages, etc., and fully Recognition is not the motivation for me to do
equipping these departments, including with the work I do. However, I greatly appreciate
electronic services and administrative staff, this honor from this prestigious institution.
as well as proposing justice-related bills. That In all the work I do, I am fully committed
was my official duty at the time. In terms of to working for the promotion of peace and
intellectual involvement, I had intellectual harmony. We all have a sacred duty to promote
contributions but they were limited compared these values and to continue efforts to build
to what I have today. new bridges of cooperation and partnership,
regardless of honors, awards or any other such
Didn’t you have any direct involvement with recognition. I will continue to strive to help
the judicial system and human rights? build a better world, not only for our present
According to the Law of the Judiciary of the but also for future generations.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Minister of
Justice is not allowed to interfere with the You are the Secretary-General of the Muslim
judiciary or the public prosecution, and this is a World League, can you introduce the League
wonderful characteristic that has strengthened and the work you do?
the concept of independence of powers. The The Muslim World League is an international
judicial system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia non-governmental organization based in the
is totally independent of the Minister of Justice holy city of Mecca. Through our work around
and any other authority. The same is true for the world, we are committed to clarifying
the public prosecution and investigation. No the true and moderate principles of Islam by
one can interfere, neither the minister nor promoting peace, harmony and understanding.
anyone else. The judges themselves are in We represent the entire Muslim community.
charge of the Kingdom’s judicial system and the Within our organization there are Sunnis,
Supreme Court supervises judicial decisions Shiites, Druze and others. We strive every
to prevent the violation of established judicial day to implement this comprehensive and
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h