Page 6 - DIVA3 2021_final_CORR_reduced
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                     “We will continue to work to activate a              we  brought  together  Muslim  leaders  and
                                                                          scholars  in  Makkah  to  promote  the  values
                       constructive dialogue to find common               of  peace  and  coexistence  and  mediated  the

                      solutions, taking into account religious            «Declaration  of  Peace  in  Afghanistan»,  a
                                                                          historic meeting between senior government
                        and cultural diversity and striving to            and  religious  leaders  from  Afghanistan

                                  protect human rights for all.”          and  Pakistan  to  establish  a  roadmap  for
                                                                          resolving  the  decades-long  religious  conflict
                                                                          in Afghanistan, which has weighed heavily on
                                                                          politics. This Declaration is still relevant in the
                                   inclusive approach that focuses on spreading  minds of scholars in Pakistan and Afghanistan
                                   these values.                          despite the recent events in Afghanistan. The
                                                                          word of the scholars is one and is influential in
                                   We  have  established  partnerships  and  all cases. There is a coordinating committee to
                                   relationships  with  other  leading  faith-based  work on making this Declaration effective.
                                   institutions to promote interfaith cooperation
                                   and  understanding.  We  have  established  Recently, we brought together 80 Sunni and
                                   global  education  programs  to  stem  the  Shia  leaders  from  Iraq  to  promote  unity
                                   roots  of  violent  extremism,  and  we  provide  and coexistence. Islam is a religion of peace,
                                   critical humanitarian assistance to threatened  harmony,  and  compassion,  and  all  of  these
                                   communities around the world, both Muslim  core values are embodied in Mecca.
                                   and  non-Muslim,  without  discrimination.
                                   This is what it means to be Muslim. We will  You have been working to promote tolerance
                                   continue  to  work  to  activate  a  constructive  and interfaith dialogue and to bring forward
                                   dialogue  to  find  common  solutions,  taking  a  tolerant  Islam  at  a  time  when  fanaticism
                                   into  account  religious  and  cultural  diversity  and religious fanatics are causing problems in
                                   and striving to protect human rights for all.  Africa and the Middle East. Where do you get
                                                                          the courage to do your work? What is the force
                                   You  live  in  a  historic  and  legendary  city:  that drives you forward?
                                   Mecca. Many people want to visit Mecca, and  As a religious leader, it is my duty to combat
                                   there are even those who dream of living there.  hatred,  racism,  violent  extremism  and
                                   Out of curiosity, tell us about life in Mecca?  terrorism in all its forms and to categorically
                                   Mecca is the holiest place in Islam and has a  reject its perverse and distorted ideology. As
                                   special  place  in  the  hearts  and  minds  of  all  a  human  being,  my  determination  comes
                                   Muslims.  It  is  the  birthplace  of  our  Prophet  from  my  total  commitment  to  my  religion
                                   Muhammad (may God’s peace and blessings be  and the promotion of its true and moderate
                                   upon him) and it is where our sacred religion  principles. Extremists, with their hateful and
                                   was born. It is where the Qibla is located: the  exclusionary  tendencies,  have  tried  for  long
                                   direction  of  the  Kaaba  in  the  Holy  Mosque,  periods of time to hijack our religion to fan
                                   which  is  the  direction  to  which  all  Muslims  the  flames  of  hatred  and  intolerance,  not
                                   turn in their prayers. Mecca is the destination  accepting others and trying to deprive them
                                   of millions of Muslims who perform Hajj and  of their rights, those rights and freedoms that
                                   Umrah every year, Hajj being one of the five  are established by Islam. These militants use
                                   pillars of Islam. There is no other place in the  social  networks  and  other  virtual  platforms
                                   world with the sanctity and spirituality of Mecca  to spread their ideology and falsely claim that
                                   where Muslims gather to renew their faith and  they are inspired by our holy texts.
                                   spirit and feel more connected to God and the
                                   fundamental principles of Islam regardless of  People in the West tend to confuse Islam with
                                   class, ethnicity, nationality or gender.  extremists and terrorism, whose fault is that?
                                                                          What is the role of the media? Why don’t we
                                   Mecca is a safe place that represents the true  get information from you?
                                   essence of peace and harmony. Just this year,  I think it is important to realize that extremists

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