Page 4 - DIVA3 2021_final_CORR_reduced
P. 4
Interview with his Excellency
Dr Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Alissa
Secretary General of the Muslim World League
His Excellency Dr. Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Alissa is widely recognized as a leading
global voice on moderate Islam, committed to bringing global awareness to the religion’s
true message of empathy, understanding and cooperation among all people. On 6 July
this year he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the United Nations in recognition of
his groundbreaking work as a global peacemaker. We had a unique chance to ask him some
questions and will now leave the floor to this exceptional man.
Your Excellency, you are widely known as a the needy. I studied jurisprudence (Fiqh) at
leading global voice in the field of moderate university and held many positions in the public
Islam and your commitment to educating sector in Saudi Arabia until I was appointed
the world about the true message of religion, Minister of Justice. I was very pleased to be
which calls for empathy, understanding and the first to grant women a license to practice
cooperation among all. How have you taken law in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Through
on this role and position? my experiences, I was made aware of the true
I grew up in Saudi Arabia and Islam has principles of moderate Islam and Islam taught
always been an integral part of my life and me the importance of promoting coexistence
a fundamental aspect of my childhood and and acceptance of others of different religions,
family life and has shaped the person I am beliefs and ideologies. It has taught me that
today. I knew from an early age that I wanted we must all confront the ideology that fuels
to apply the values I learned: empathy, respect violence and terrorism. It instilled in me a
and love for others, and to help and assist true passion to protect everyone from hatred
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h