Page 40 - DIVA3 2021_final_CORR_reduced
P. 40


                                  “Do not be afraid of failing.           new  jobs  have  you  created  through  the
                            Starting a startup requires full              Since  the  start  of  StartupLab  we  have

                       dedication and focus, and chances                  supported 350 startups and invested in 110 of
                                                                          these. These startups have created 3,500 new
                     of failure are big. But it also involves             jobs, and this is just the beginning.

                       an impressive learning experience
                                                                          In  today’s  pandemic  times,  the  ILO  and
                                                and a lot of fun. ”       other United Nations agencies are concerned
                                                                          about the pandemic’s economic consequences,
                                                                          especially for the youth and their access to the
                                                                          job market. Is your version of entrepreneurship
                                                                          part of the solution? If so, what does it have to
                                                                          offer young people in particular?
                                   positioned as a startup country. We have the   Yes,  creating  new  jobs  by  supporting  the
                                   soil that is constantly being replenished, and   entrepreneurial spirit is for sure a major part
                                   we have a stock exchange tool for early-stage   of the solution. I call this new generation “The
                                   companies we have not had before.      Generation Å” as this is the final generation
                                                                          that can save the world. And the good part: I
                                   How  does  the  StartupLab  work,  and  what   believe they will.
                                   kind of assistance do you provide?
                                   We have at any time 100 technical startups in   It’s tough to set up a business. What kind of
                                   our offices. Every week we have one Startup   advice would you give to young people?
                                   moving  in,  and  one  startup  is  growing  out.   Do not be afraid of failing. Starting a startup
                                   Unfortunately, we have capacity to accept only   requires  full  dedication  and  focus,  and
                                   one out of ten applications, hence we are able   chances of failure are big. But it also involves
                                   to attract the best of the best startups.  an  impressive  learning  experience  and  a  lot
                                   We work closely with the startups over months,   of fun. Do it before you are too old and risk
                                   and after 4-6 months we offer investments into   averse.
                                   30 % of the startups. At this stage, the founders
                                   know us and know what they can expect, and   Many countries around the world are looking
                                   we know the founders and see that they are   at ways to encourage entrepreneurship. What
                                   able to execute. It is like living together before   advice would you offer them generally, and,
                                   you get married.                       particularly,  if  you  can  cite  one  or  more
                                                                          specific country?
                                   In 2020, you received the NHH (Norwegian   Make it simple to attract talent from all over
                                   School   of   Economics   and   Business   the world. To build global successful startups
                                   Administration)  Almuni  Prize  for  your   you need to think diversity from day one and
                                   outstanding  achievements.  Did  it  change   hire talent from all over the world.
                                   anything  for  you,  particularly  in  the
                                   orientation of your efforts?           Finally,  Mr.  Assev,  would  you  be  willing  to
                                   This came after a very special year for me durng   share your experience with others? If so, how
                                   which I had spent most of the time in hospital   can people contact you?
                                   recovering from a severe stroke, so this meant   In  StartupLab  we  support  Norwegian  only
                                   a lot to me and made me want to get back to   startups, but if you are considering building a
                                   supporting new founders in building the new   startup in Norway – and there are many good
                                   industry that will take over after oil and gas.   reasons  to  do  that  –  you  can  contact  me  at
                                   Working with founders that want to change .
                                   the world is giving me energy and hope.

                                   Talking  about  success  stories,  how  many
                                   companies  have  you  set  up,  and  how  many

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