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                                   Rhaetian Railway

                                   UNESCO World Heritage Site of Switzerland, its glory and

                                   national pride

                                   By Evelina Rioukhina and Ryan Kennedy

                                   Not many countries have such a sophisticated  Little Red Train – History
                                   railway  system  as  Switzerland.  Indeed,  the  The Rhaetian Railway (abbreviated RhB), and
                                   Swiss  Railways  are  a  national  pride  and  namely  the  Albula  and  Bernina  lines  which
                                   glory. There are beautiful and very technical  stretch from Thusis to Tirano, are extraordinary
                                   railways  all  over  the  world,  high-speed  or  examples   of   technological   innovation,
                                   mountain  tracks,  but  only  two  of  them  are  showing  man’s  mastery  of  the  Alpine
                                   included in the World UNESCO Heritage List  landscape.  The  Rhaetian  Railway  became  a
                                   – one is in India , and the other one, is here,  UNESCO  World  Heritage  site  in  July  2008.
                                   in our host county Switzerland. But while the  More  than  a  century  ago,  the  Grisons  had
                                   whole  railway  system  deserves  admiration  counted on the construction of a transit line
                                   and much written about, it is one particular  through  the  Splügen.  A  decision  to  build  a
                                   line that is totally outstanding and exceptional  modern  transportation  system  to  provide
                                   for its historical, engineering and spectacular  access to its 150 valleys. Thus, a large narrow-
                                   historical  values.  It  is  called  the  Rhaetian  gauge system was laid out between 1889 and
                                   Railway (RhB).                         1913, as a replacement for the never realised
                                   You cannot see those trains in Geneva, they  standard gauge line through the eastern Alps.
                                   do not circulate here. To see and  experience  It  was,  however,  a  private  citizen  who  took
                                   them, you need to travel at least 4 hours from  the first step toward building a railway. The
                                   Geneva  to  the  real  “heart”  of  Switzerland.  Dutchman,  Jan  Willem  Holsboer,  was  the
                                   Read our story below:                  owner of a hotel in Davos, and thought with
                                                                          good  reason  that  a  railway  would  bring  a
                                      Three of the mountain rails of India, all narrow-  considerably larger stream of tourists to the
                                   gauge  railways,  namely,  the Darjeeling  Hima-  famous  high  valley  than  the  horse-drawn
                                   layan Railway, the Nilgiri Mountain Railway, and   carriages  and  mail  coaches.  Consequently,
                                   the Kalka–Shimla  Railway,  are  collectively  des-  the Landquart-Davos   Railway   (LD) was
                                   ignated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site under
                                   the name “Mountain Railways of India”. The Nilgiri   founded,  and  in  1889  its  line  was  opened
                                   Mountain Railway is also the only rack railway in   as  far  as  Klosters,  reaching  Davos  in  1890.
                                   India.                                 The  Davos-Filisur  section,  opened  in  1909,

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