Page 38 - DIVA3 2021_final_CORR_reduced
P. 38

The StartupLab:

                  a unique Norwegian experience

                  Interview with

                  Rolf Assev, co-founder StartupLab

                                   Rolf  is  a  dynamic  and  clever  man,  positive  The  idea  was  simple:  invite  experienced
                                   and  a  doer.  Since  his  student  days  at  the  technical founders to work with new founders

                                   Norwegian  School  of  Economics  in  Bergen,  in  a  technical  environment.  The  vision  was
                                   Rolf has been one of the leaders in whatever  to  make  new  global  tech  companies  out  of
                                   he  takes  on.  In  Norway  he  is  an  expert  on  Norway  with  a  clear  philosophy,  Founders
                                   entrepreneurship, and we see him often in the  First.
                                   media. His list of achievements is long, but let  I came in as a co-founder of a new startup,
                                   us briefly mention that Rolf’s role in the Opera  DragonBox, that we started after my 12 years
                                   Software  as  Executive  Vice  President  Sales  in  Opera  Software.  After  some  months  I
                                   and  Marketing,  Chief  Commercial  Officer  started working full time for StartupLab.
                                   and Chief Strategy contributed to the building  Ten  years  ago,  few  people  thought  it  was
                                   of the company from 12 to 750 people with  possible  to  build  successful  tech  companies
                                   more than 200 million active users. Today he  in Norway. It was reserved for Sweden, and
                                   is in front encouraging young people to take  perhaps  Finland.  However,  we  had  a  small
                                   on the entrepreneurial path, so let us give the  number of international successful companies
                                   floor to Rolf.                         such  as  Opera  Software,  Fast,  Trolltech,
                                                                          Chipcon, Energy Micro, Point Carbon, Mamut
                                   You  are  one  of  Norway’s  experts  on  and Tandberg.
                                   entrepreneurship. How did you get the idea to
                                   create the StartupLab?                 Many of the tech entrepreneurs behind these
                                   The original idea for StartupLab was initiated  companies had made a lot of money. Some of
                                   by Karl Christian Agerup, former co-founder  them had made really really a lot of money.
                                   of Nothzone venture, and Alexander Woxen.  Few of them wanted to use it to buy an island

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