Page 43 - DIVA3 2021_final_CORR_reduced
P. 43


                                                                             Approaching a circular viaduct in Bernina Express

                                               Landwasser Viaduct      Albula section from RhB train

                   ensured  the  connection  with  the  Albula   “The gradient is seven per cent in
                   Railway and hence with the Engadine. The real
                   main line through the Grisons is the Albula   places: the steepest a train can cope
                   line  connecting  Chur-Thusis-Filisur-Albula-  with under normal traction.
                   St. Moritz. In 1896 the line reached Thusis, the
                   Albula line opened in 1903 and it reached St.   Another oddity – is the power supply:
                   Moritz in the famous Engadine in 1904, thus   as this is one of the few trains that
                   making a journey from Chur to St Moritz in
                   less  than  2  hours  instead  of  the  once  14  (!)  works on direct current.”
                   hours  in  an  uncomfortable  stagecoach.  The
                   section  St  Moritz-Tirano  (Bernina  section)
                   was completed in 1910.
                                                          most  demanding  in  the  world.  On  the  62
                   The  train  that  defied  gravity  –  maximum   kilometres  between  Thusis  and  St.  Moritz,
                   gradient                               an  altitude  difference  of  more  than  one
                   The  Rhaetian  Railway  -  especially  its  Albula   kilometre  had  to  be  overcome,  which
                   and Bernina lines - is quite unique. It is the   required  the  construction  of  137  abridges
                   highest altitude transalpine railway in Europe   and 42 tunnels; an army of more than 5000
                   and one of the steepest adhesion railways in   workers  was  employed  for  five  years.  And
                   the world. In the Bernina section, starting in   today, almost 130 years after it was built, this
                   Tirano,  riding  the  narrow-gauge  tracks,  the   miracle of technology continues to fascinate.
                   red  train  climbs  without  conventional  rack-  Designed  by  specialist  engineers,  the  line
                   and-pinion assistance from 439 metres to the   is  an  efficient  and  beautiful  combination  of
                   2,253-metre-high  Bernina  Pass.  The  World-  high-altitude railway technology and Alpine
                   famous  Brusio  circle  viaduct  in  that  part   landscape. Two viaducts in this region deserve
                   enables the train to negotiate a large difference   special  attention  –  the  world-renowned
                   in altitude in a very short distance. The gradient   and  iconic  Landwasser  Viaduct  (directly  in
                   is seven per cent in places: the steepest a train   the Albula Line), and lesses known, but not
                   can cope with under normal traction. Another   less  important,  Wiesen  Viaduct.  These  two
                   oddity – is the power supply: as this is one of   viaducts are world icons, as you certainly see
                   the few trains that works on direct current.  from the images. But it is not sufficient to look
                   The  Albula  Line  is  considered  to  be  the   at these icons by passing them within seconds
                   most  technically  demanding  line  of  the   while on board the train, they deserve a special
                   Rhaetian  Railway,  and  likely  one  of  the   visit to see these engineering masterpieces of

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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