Page 47 - Bulletin, Vol.82 No.1, April 2023
P. 47

sanctions  regime  and  authorisation  of  the  Security  Council.  They  would  also
               military  enforcement  measures).  The  allow  Parliament  to  fully  exercise  its
               Federal Council is also open to additional  function  and  responsibilities  within  the
               measures  which  fall  within  Parliament's  existing  division  of  powers.  Moreover,
               remit     (information    visits    to    UN  these  measures  can  be  implemented
               headquarters in New York, secondment of  within the existing legal framework.
               a  member  of  staff  of  Parliamentary         Candidacy for the Security Council has
               Services).  The  focus  is  on  Switzerland's   been running for past nine years
               ability  to  conduct  foreign  policy,  which
               must be upheld at all times during its term  The  Federal  Council  decided  in  2011  to
               on the Security Council.                        register  Switzerland  as  a  candidate  for  a
                                                               UN  Security  Council  seat,  following  a
               No new legal basis required
                                                               parliamentary consultation process over a
               The UN Security Council addresses a vast  number             of    years.     Since     then,
               amount  of  country-specific,  regional  and  Switzerland's       candidacy      has    been
               thematic issues of relevance to peace and  confirmed on numerous occasions by both
               security  worldwide.  Much  of  its  business  the  Federal  Council  and  Parliament.
               can  be  planned,  although  in  some  cases  Switzerland  and  Malta  are  still  the  only
               its mandate may call for rapid action. The  candidates for the two seats reserved for
               options presented by the Federal Council  the Western European and Others Group.
               would  enable  it  to  involve  Parliament  as  The election will be held in June 2022.
               appropriate  while  Switzerland  serves  on


                                                   WAS BORN!
                            INTERVIEW WITH MR. RENÉ GUÉNARD

                                                                              By Evelina RIOUKHINA

                                                               Please introduce yourself to our

                                                               My name is René Guénard, I was born on
                                                               January  19,  1927  in  Geneva  to  French
                                                               parents. I attended school in Geneva and
                                                               in France, and I had my military service in
                                                               France.  I  started  to  study  engineering  in
                                                               France  and  finished  in  England.  After
                                                               becoming  a  civil  engineer,  I  worked  in
                                                               London where I met my wife. I got married
                                                               in 1954, and we moved to Geneva.

               AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 82 No.1, 2023-04                                                45

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