Page 51 - Bulletin, Vol.82 No.1, April 2023
P. 51
experience at every moment. As for Sigmund Freud, the precursor of psychoanalysis,
his reflections on the unconscious led him to think that consciousness is only a part of
our psyche.
In any case, before worrying about the influence of chance on the origin of
consciousness, let us be content with knowing that consciousness is a supreme
knowledge: self-knowledge.
By Evelina RIOUKHINA (translated from French)
Rue de Lausanne 62 – the Cité Séniors. meetings and debates of our "Carrefour
Many retirees know well this address in International", which give opportunity to
Geneva. But for new retirees - this is the the former international civil servants living
address to remember! It can be very in the Greater Geneva area and their
useful to you, or even help you if you are friends or any other interested person to
in need. This is where you can meet get together for discussions and/or
friends, where you go when you need a exchange of information about the United
family, or where you can turn for help if Nations or about the life of international
you are facing difficult times. civil servants.
The Cité Séniors is a true place of life, of The conviviality, kindheartedness,
information and of exchange, and created compassion, good will and smiles – those
by the City of Geneva, it is fully dedicated are the main characteristics of the
to seniors. The Cité is offering a wide atmosphere at the Cité Séniors.
range of activities, classes, courses and If you visit this place regularly, you will see
proposes entertainments. But that is not how much generosity is demonstrated by
the staff. Everything there is done for the
For many years already, our Association seniors, to make them feel at ease, to
AAFI-AFICS has been privileged to listen to them and to help them. All seniors
collaborate with the Cité Séniors, and this can use many of the services offered
is thanks to our President Mrs. Odette there (i.e. there are PCs available for
Foudral and M. Stéphane Birchmeier, who everyone to use, work or surf the web,
is in charge of the Cité Séniors and who is and there is a printer that anyone can use
also Deputy Manager of the Social as needed). And this service is free for
Service of the City of Geneva. everyone, and you can use it even if you
come there every day, one hour per day.
Every first Wednesday of the month, the
Cité Séniors welcomes us for the
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