Page 53 - Bulletin, Vol.82 No.1, April 2023
P. 53
Mrs. Emma Louise Zell, who died in Now, knowing some information of her
Geneva on August 23, 1993, instituted the biography, we can see that this person
City of Geneva as sole heir of her fortune, was not only beautiful externally, but she
in favor of its social service and more was also beautiful in her heart, because
particularly for the elderly. This fortune she left such a generous donation to those
constitutes the "Emma Louise Zell Fund". in need and especially to the elderly. No
photograph of her has been found.
Her nephew Hans-Peter Zell wrote a book Perhaps one day, in the future, we will
about Zell family history, entitled "Just discover more about this almost unknown
passing through: a German-American character. However, this her generosity
family saga" (revised edition 2011). This and her presence are always felt either at
book contains information about Emma the Cité Séniors or at the Espace Emma
Louise Zell, her family and her origins, as Louis Zell, which is located not far from
well as provides some insights into life in the Cité Sénior, at the address: Rue du
her later years. Her nephew Hans-Peter Beulet 7-9, 1203 Geneva. This Espace
Zell, who lived in the United States, visited includes a documentation and a training
her occasionally in Switzerland (he called centers. Those are intended for all seniors
her Aunt Emmi). A single copy of the book who wish to learn more about modern
is available at the Museum of technologies and on how to use them.
Communication in Bern. A short passage There are computer courses taking place
in the book, written in French, describes at the Espace in the mornings, and the
her as follows: « Louise Emma Zell est computers are made available to all
née le 18 décembre 1903 en Allemagne. seniors for free use in the afternoons,
Elle résidait à Berlin où elle est devenue every Tuesday and Thursday, from 2 pm
une personnalité très célèbre dans les to 5 pm.
années vingt, renommée pour sa beauté
et son élégance notamment.» ("Louise Each time we visit one of the above two
Emma Zell was born on December 18, places, let’s pay tribute in our thoughts to
1903 in Germany. She lived in Berlin this Grande Dame, to her outstanding
where she became a very famous generosity which contributed, along with
personality in the 1920s, renowned for her others, to softening the lives of our
beauty and elegance”.) seniors.
AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 82 No.1, 2023-04 51
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